邓 宇星

根据储存在 Pure 的刊物以及来自 Scopus 的引用文献数量计算




邓宇星 职称:准聘教授 电子邮箱:6120180026@bit.edu.cn;dengyustar@163.com
主持国家自然科学基金等3项,于2020年获批国家优秀青年科学基金。相关研究成果被菲尔兹奖得主Freedman引用,成果发表于JEMS,Math Ann, Adv Math, TAMS, IMRN等权威数学期刊,担任JDG,Adv Math, Geom&Topo等权威数学期刊审稿人。




2006.09-2010.07 北京师范大学 学士
2010.09-2015.07 北京大学 博士


2015.08-2018.01 北京师范大学 博士后
2018.01-2020.09 北京理工大学 助理教授
2020.10-至今 北京理工大学 准聘教授


[1] Chow, Bennett; Deng, Yuxing; Ma, Zilu On four-dimensional steady gradient Ricci solitons that dimension reduce. Adv. Math. 403 (2022), Paper No. 108367, 61 pp.
[2] Bamler, Richard H.; Chow, Bennett; Deng, Yuxing; Ma, Zilu; Zhang, Yongjia Four-dimensional steady gradient Ricci solitons with 3-cylindrical tangent flows at infinity. Adv. Math. 401 (2022), Paper No. 108285, 21 pp.
[3] Deng, Yuxing; Zhu, Xiaohua Higher dimensional steady Ricci solitons with linear curvature decay. J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS) 22 (2020), no. 12, 4097–4120.
[4] Deng, Yuxing; Zhu, Xiaohua Rigidity of κ-noncollapsed steady Kähler-Ricci solitons. Math. Ann. 377 (2020), no. 1-2, 847–861.
[5] Deng, Yuxing; Zhu, Xiaohua Classification of gradient steady Ricci solitons with linear curvature decay. Sci. China Math. 63 (2020), no. 1, 135–154.
[6] Deng, Yuxing; Zhu, Xiaohua Three-dimensional steady gradient Ricci solitons with linear curvature decay. Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN 2019, no. 4, 1108–1124.
[7] Deng, Yuxing; Zhu, Xiaohua Asymptotic behavior of positively curved steady Ricci solitons. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 370 (2018), no. 4, 2855–2877.
[8] Deng, Yuxing; Zhu, Xiaohua Complete non-compact gradient Ricci solitons with nonnegative Ricci curvature. Math. Z. 279 (2015), no. 1-2, 211–226.


深入其中 Yuxing Deng 为活跃的研究主题。这些主题标签来自此人的成果。它们共同形成唯一的指纹。