熊 黎明

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熊黎明 职称:教授 博士生导师 电子邮箱:Imxiong@bit.edu.cn









[128] Tao Tian, Hajo Broersma and Liming Xiong, Edge degree conditions for dominating and spanning closed trails, Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory, Online, 2022, https://doi.org/10.7151/dmgt.2450.


[127] Junfeng Du, Ziwen Huang and Liming Xiong, Characterizing fobidden pairs for the edge-connectivity of a connected graph to be its minimun degree, Axioms, 11 (2022) 219, PDF

[126] Xia Liu and Liming Xiong, A note on 3-connected hourglsss-free claw-free Hamilton-connected graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 345 (2022) 112910,PDF.

[125] Yibin Fang and Liming Xiong, Forbidden pair for the relative length of longest path and cycle, Discrete Mathematics, 345 (2022) 112870, PDF

[124] Tao Tian, Liming Xiong, Zhi-Hong Chen and Shipeng Wang, Degree Sums of adjacent vertices for traceabilityof claw-free graphs, Czechoslovak Math. J. 72(2022) 313-330, PDF.

[123] Premysl Holub, Zdenek Ryjacek, Petr Vrana, Shipeng Wang and Liming Xiong, Forbidden pairs of disconnected graphs for the 2-factor of graphs, Journal of Graph Theory, 100 (2022) 209-231, PDF.

[122] Xiaojing Yang and Liming Xiong, Forbidden subgraphs for existences of (connected) 2-factors of a graph, Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory, Online, DOI:https://doi.org/10.7151/dmgt.2366
[121] Xia Liu and Liming Xiong, Forbidden subgraphs for collapsible graphs and supereulerian graphs, Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory, 42 (2022) 427-442, PDF.

[120] Xiaojing Yang and Liming Xiong, Hamiltonian extendable graphs, Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory, Online, DOI: https://doi.org/10.7151/dmgt.2308

[119] Yingmin Shangguan and Liming Xiong, Supereulerian line graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 345 (2022) 112707. PDF


[118] Zemeng Liu and Liming Xiong, Edge degree conditions for hamiltonian 2-iterated line graphs, Advance Mathematics (CHINA) (数学进展), 55 (2021) 793-799. PDF

[117] Xiaojing Yang and Liming Xiong, Forbidden subgraphs for graphs with (near) perfect matching to be hamiltonian, Questiones Mathematicae, 44 (2021) 857-867. PDF

[116] Zemeng Liu and Liming Xiong, Degree sum conditions for hamiltonian index, Applied Mathematics: A Journal of Chinese University, 36 (2021) 401-411. PDF

[115] Yibin Fang and Liming Xiong, Circumference of a graph and its distance dominating longest cycle, Discrete Mathematics, 37 (2021) 112196. PDF

[114] Xiaojing Yang, Junfeng Du and Liming Xiong, Forbidden subgraphs for supereulerian and hamiltonian graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 288 (2021) 192-200, PDF
[113] Xia Liu, Liming Xiong and Hong-Jian Lai, Strongly spanning trailable graphs with small circumference and Hamilton-connected claw-free graphs, Graphs and Combinatorics, 37 (2021) 65-85, PDF
[112] Jun Yin and Liming Xiong, Hamiltonian claw-free graphs involving induced cycles, J. of Physics: Conferences Series, 1634, (2020) 012069, PDF

[111] Xiaojing Yang and Liming Xiong, Forbidden subgraphs for a graph to have a hamiltonian path square, Graphs and Combinatorics, 36 (2020) 1445-1456, PDF
[110] Tao Tian, H.J. Broersma and Liming Xiong, A note on sufficient degree conditions for traceablity of claw-free graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 343 (2020) 111883. PDF.
[109] Zdeněk Ryjáček, Petr Vrána and Liming Xiong, A note on singular edges and hamiltonicity in claw-free graphs with locally disconnected vertices, Graphs and Combinatorics, 36 (2020) 665-677, PDF.
[108] Xia Liu and Liming Xiong, Forbidden subgraphs on Hamiltonian index, Discrete Mathematics,343 (2020) 111841. PDF
[107] Zhihao Hui, Junfeng Du, Shipeng Wang, Liming Xiong and Xiaojing Yang, Forbidden pairs for the matching extendability of graphs with connectivity at least 2 or 3, Discrete Mathematics, 343 (2020) 111694, PDF.
[106] Tao Tian and Liming Xiong, 2-connected hamiltonian claw-free graphs involving degree sum of adjacent vertices, Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory, 40 (2020) 85-106. PDF.
[105] Junfeng Du and Liming Xiong, The local structure of claw-free graphs without generalized bulls, Graphs and Combinatorics, 35 (2019) 1091-1103. PDF .
[104] Wanpeng Lei, Liming Xiong, Junfeng Du and Shipeng Wang, Forbidden pair of disconnected graphs excepting claw for traceability of block-chains, Ars Combinatorics, 145 (2019) 353-366.
[103] Shipeng Wang and Liming Xiong, Spanning trail in a 2-connected graph, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 26 (3) (2019), # P3.56. PDF .
[102] Binlong Li, Liming Xiong and Jun Yin, Large degree vertices in longest cycles of graphs, II, Electronic Journal of Graph Theory and Applications, 7(2) (2019) 277-299. PDF .
[101] Win Min Aye, Tao Tian and Liming Xiong, Number of vertices of degree three in spanning 3-trees in square graphs, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 357 (2019) 258-262. PDF .
[100] Wanpeng Lei, Liming Xiong, Junfeng Du and Jun Yin, An extension of the Win theorem: Counting the number of maximum indenpendent sets, Chinese Annals of Mathematics, Ser. B.(中国,《数学年刊, B辑》) 40(3) (2019) 411-428. PDF .
[99] Shipeng Wang and Liming Xiong, On the indenpendence number of traceable 2-connected claw-free graphs, Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory, 39 (2019) 925-937. PDF .
[98] Mingqiang An, Yinan Zhang, Kinkar Ch. Das and Liming Xiong, Reciprocal degree distance and graph properties, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 258 (2019) 1-7. PDF
[97] Mingqiang An and Liming Xiong, Two upper bounds for the Gutman indices of (four) F-sums of graphs, Ars Combinatoria, 143 (2019) 117-134.
[96] Shipeng Wang, Shoichi Tsuchiya and Liming Xiong, Forbidden pairs for equality of connectivity and edge-connectivity of graphs, Graphs and Combinatorics, 35 (2019) 419-426. PDF
[95] Roman Čada, Kenta Ozeki, Liming Xiong and Kiyoshi Yoshimoto, Pairs of forbidden subgraphs and 2-connected supereulerian graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 341 (2018) 1696–1707. PDF
[94] Mingqiang An and Liming Xiong, Some results on the inverse sum indeg index of a graph, Information Processing Letters, 134 (2018) 42–46. PDF
[93] Xia Liu, Houyuan Lin and Liming Xiong, Forbidden subgraphs and weak locally connected graphs, Graphs and Combinatorics, 34 (2018) 1671–1690. PDF
[92] Shengmei Lv, Liming Xiong, Guifu Su and Ning Zhao, Induced claws and existence of even factors of graphs, Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc., 41 (2018) 1529–1540. PDF
[91] Zdeněk Ryjáček, Petr Vrána and Liming Xiong, Hamiltonian properties of 3-connected {claw,hourglass}-free graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 341 (2018) 1806–1815. PDF
[90] Hong-Jain Lai, Liming Xiong and Huiya Yan, Line graphs containing 2-factors with bounded number of components, JCMCC, 107 (2018) 171-179. PDF
[89] Shengmei Lv and Liming Xiong, Erratum to [Forbidden pairs for spanning (closed) trail, Discrete Math., 340 (2017) 1012-1018], Discrete Mathematics, 341 (2018) 1192-1193. PDF
[88] Tao Tian and Liming Xiong, Traceability on 2-connected line graphs, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 321 (2018) 461-471. PDF
[87] Jun Ekstein, Baoyindureng Wu and Liming Xiong, Connected even factors in the square of essentially 2-edge-connected graphs, Electron. J. Combin., 24 (2017) No. 3 Paper 3. 42. PDF
[86] Mingqiang An and Liming Xiong, Extremal polyomino chains with respect to general sum-connectivity index, Ars Combinatoria. 131 (2017) 255-271.
[85] Shipeng Wang and Liming Xiong, Forbidden set of induced subgraphs for 2-connected supereulerian graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 340 (2017) 2792-2797. PDF
[84] Junfeng Du, Binlong Li and Liming Xiong, Forbidden pairs of disconnected graphs for traceability in connected graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 340 (2017) 2194-2199. PDF
[83] Liming Xiong, Characterization of forbidden subgraphs for the existence of even factors in graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 223 (2017) 135-139. PDF
[82] Zhi-Hong Chen, Hong-Jian Lai and Liming Xiong, Minimum degree conditions for the Hamiltonicity of 3-connected claw-free graphs, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 122 (2017) 167-186. PDF
[81] Shengmei Lv and Liming Xiong, Even factors with a bounded number of components in iterated line graphs, Science China Mathematics (中国科学,英文版), 60 (2017) 177-188. PDF
[80] Shengmei Lv and Liming Xiong, Forbidden pairs for spanning (closed) trail, Discrete Mathematics, 340 (2017) 1012-1018. PDF
[79] Shengmei Lv and Liming Xiong, Minimum Number of Components of 2-Factors in Iterated Line Graphs, Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc., 39 (2016) 361–371. PDF
[78] Akira Saito and Liming Xiong, The Ryjáček closure and a forbidden subgraph, Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory, 36 (2016) 621-628. PDF
[77] Mingqiang An and Liming Xiong, Supereulerian graphs, colapsible graphs and matchings, (Chinese) Acta Math. Appl. Sin. 39 (2016) 871-877. PDF
[76] Mingqiang An and Liming Xiong, Extremal polyomino chains with respect to general Randić index, J. Comb. Optim., 31 (2016) 635–647. PDF
[75] Binlong Li, Liming Xiong and Jun Yin, Large degree vertices in longest cycles of graphs, I, Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory, 36 (2016) 363–382. PDF
[74] Mingqiang An and Liming XIong and Guifu Su, The k-ordinary generalized geometric-arithmatic index, Utilitas Mathematics, 100 (2016) 383-405. PDF
[73] Jun Yin, Liming Xiong and Haixing Zhao, Hamiltonian claw-free graphs and o-heavy graphs involving induced cycles, Graphs and Combinatorics, 32 (2016) 823–833. PDF
[72] Guifu Su, Liming Xiong, Xiaofeng Su and Guojun Li, Maximally edge-connected graphs and zeroth-order general Randić index for α≤−1, J. Comb. Optim., 31 (2016) 182–195. PDF
[71] Kindar Ch, Das, Guifu Su and Liming Xiong, Relation between degree distance and Gutman index of graphs, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem., 76 (2016) 221-232. PDF
[70] Guifu Su, Liming Xiong, Ivan Gutman and Lan Xu, Reciprocal product-degree distance of graphs, Filomat, 30 (2016) 2217-2231. PDF
[69] Jun Yin, Liming Xiong, Conditions for a graph to have a connected even [2, 2s]-factor, Utilitas Mathematics, 98 (2015) 387-391. PDF
[68] Zdeněk Ryjáček, Liming Xiong and Jun Yin, Closure and hamilton-connected claw-free hourglass-free graphs, Graphs and Combinatorics, 31(2015) 2369-2376. PDF
[67] Mingqiang An, Liming Xiong, Some results on the difference of the Zagreb indices of a graph, Bull. Aust. Math. Soc., 92 (2015) 177-186. PDF
[66] Guifu Su, Liming Xiong, Xiaofeng Su and Xianglian Chen, Some results on the reciprocal sum-degree distance of graphs, J. Comb. Optim., 30 (2015) 435-446. PDF
[65] Runli Tian and Liming Xiong, The Chvátal-Erdös condition for a graph to have a spanning trail, Graphs and Combinatorics, 31 (2015) 1739-1754. PDF
[64] Mingqiang An and Liming Xiong, Multiplicatively weighted Harary index of some composite graphs, Filomat, 29 (2015) 795-805. PDF
[63] Mingqiang An, Liming Xiong and Runli Tian, 2-factors in claw-free graphs with locally disconnected vertices, Czechoslovak Math. J., 65 (2015) 317-330. PDF
[62] Runli Tian and Liming Xiong, Hamiltonian claw-free graphs with locally disconnected vertices, Discrete Mathematics, 338 (2015) 2042-2050. PDF
[61] Guantao Chen, Yinkui Li, Haicheng Ma, Tingzeng Wu and Liming Xiong, An extension of the Chvátal-Erdös theorem: Counting the number of maximum independent sets, Graphs and Combinatorics, 31 (2015) 885-896. PDF
[60] Zhaohong Niu, Liming Xiong, On traceable line graphs, Graphs and Combinatorics, 31 (2015) 221-233. PDF
[59] Mingqiang An, Liming Xiong and Kinkar Ch. Das, Two upper bounds for the degree distances of four sums of graphs, Filomat, 28 (2014) 579-590. PDF
[58] Mingqiang An, Hong-Jian Lai, Hao Li, Guifu Su, Runli Tian and Liming Xiong, Two operations on a graph preserving the (non)existence of 2-factors in its line graph, Czechoslovak Math. J., 64(139) (2014) 1035-1044. PDF
[57] Liming Xiong, Induced hourglass and the equivalence between hamiltonicity and supereulerianity in claw-free graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 332 (2014) 15-22. PDF
[56] Qingning Wang and Liming Xiong, Branch-bonds, two-factors in iterated line graphs and circuits in weighted graphs, Int. J. Comput. Math., 91 (2014) 1385-1396. PDF
[55] Runli Tian, Liming Xiong and Zhaohong Niu, On Hamiltonicity of 3-connected claw-free graphs, Graphs and Combinatorics, 30 (2014) 1261-1269. PDF
[54] Zhaohong Niu and Liming Xiong, Smallest k-edge-connected claw-free graphs without special spanning trails, Utilitas Mathematics, 93 (2014) 233-248. PDF
[53] Guifu Su, Liming Xiong and Xiaofeng Su, Maximally edge-connected graphs and zeroth-order general Randic index for 0 [52] Zhaohong Niu, Liang Sun, Liming Xiong, Hong-Jian Lai and Huiya Yan, On extremal k-supereulerian graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 314 (2014) 50-60. PDF
[51] Guifu Su, Liming Xiong and Ivan Gutman, Harry index of the k-th power of a graph, Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics, 7 (2013)94-105. PDF
[50] Guifu Su, Liming Xiong and Lan Xu, On the Co-PI and Laplacian Co-PI eigenvalues of a graph, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 161 (2013) 277-283. PDF
[49] Guifu Su, Liming Xiong, Yi Sun and Daobin Li, Nordhaus-Gaddum-type inequality for the hyper-Wiener index of graphs when decomposing into three parts, Theoretical Computer Science, 471 (2013) 74-83. PDF
[48] Xiangwen Li, Chunxiang Wang, Qiong Fan, Zhaohong Niu and Liming Xiong, Spanning eulerian subgraphs of 2-edge-connected graphs, Graphs and Combinatorics, 29 (2013) 275-280. PDF
[47] Runli Tian, Liming Xiong, On hamiltonicity of 2-connected claw-free graphs, Appl. Math. J. Chinese Univ.(高校应用数学报,英文版), 27 (2012) 234-242. PDF
[46] Zhaohong Niu, Liming Xiong and Shumin Zhang, Smallest 2-edge-connected claw-free graphs without a spanning trails, Utilitas Mathematics, 88 (2012) 381-397. PDF
[45] Jan Ekstin, Premysl Holub, Tomas Kaiser and Liming Xiong, Shenggui Zhang, Star subdivision and connected even factors in the square of a graph, Discrete Mathematics, 312 (2012) 2574-2578. PDF
[44] Runli Tian, Liming Xiong and Zhaohong Niu, On 2-factors in claw-free graphs whose edges are in small cycles, Discrete Mathematics, 312(2012) 3140-3145. PDF
[43] Guifu Su, Liming Xiong and Lan Xu, The Nordhaus-Gaddum-type inequalities for the Zagreb index and co-index of graphs, Applied Mathematics Letters, 25 (2012) 1701-1707. PDF
[42] Weihua Yang, Liming Xiong, Hongjian Lai and Xiaofeng Guo, Hamiltonicity of 3-connected line graphs, Applied Mathematics Letters, 25(2012) 1835-1838. PDF
[41] Zhaohong Niu, Hong-Jian Lai and Liming Xiong, Spanning subgraph with eulerian components, Discrete Mathematics, 312 (2012) 1013-1018. PDF
[40] Liming Xiong, Closure operation for even factors on claw-free graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 311 (2011) 1714-1723. PDF
[39] Zdeněk Ryjáček, Gerhard J Woeginger, Liming Xiong, Hamiltonian index is NP-complete, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 159 (2011) 246-250. PDF
[38] Liming Xiong, 2-factor with the bounded number of components in line graphs, Applied Mathematic Letters, 24 (2011) 731-734. PDF
[37] Guifu Su, Liming Xiong, Lan Xu and Beibei Ma, On the maximum and minimum first reformulated Zagreb index of graphs with connectivity at most k, Filomat, 25 (2011) 75-83. PDF
[36] Longsheng Han, Hong-Jian Lai, Liming Xiong and Huiya Yan, The Chvátal-Erdös condition for supereulerian graphs and the hamiltonian index, Discrete Mathematics, 310 (2010) 2082-2090. PDF
[35] Zhaohong Niu and Liming Xiong, Even factors with the bounded number of components, The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, 48(2010) 269-279. PDF
[34] Hong-Jian Lai, Liming Xiong, Huiya Yan and Jin Yan, Every 3-connected claw-free Z8-free graph is Hamiltonian, Journal of Graph Theory, 64(2010) 1-11. PDF
[33] Zdeněk Ryjáček, Liming Xiong and Kiyoshi Yoshimoto, Closure concept for 2-factors in claw-free graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 310 (2010) 1573-1579. PDF
[32] Liming Xiong and MingChu Li, Supereulerian index is stable under contractions and closures, Ars Combinatoria, 97 (2010) 129-142. PDF
[31] Hong-Jian Lai, MingChu Li, Yehong Shao and Liming Xiong, Spanning eulerian subgraphs in N2-locally connected claw-free graphs, Ars Combinatoria, 94 (2010) 191-199. PDF
[30] Zhaohong Niu and Liming Xiong, Supereulerianity of k-edge-connected graphs with a restriction on small bonds, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 158 (2010) 37-43. PDF
[29] Lina Wang and Liming Xiong, On stability of the Hamiltonian index under cycle closure (in Chinese), 应用数学学报~ACTA Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, 33 (2010) 424-431. PDF
[28] Akira Saito and Liming Xiong, Closure, stability and iterated line graphs with 2-factor, Discrete Mathematics, 309 (2009) 5000-5010. PDF
[27] Liming Xiong and Minmin Zong, Traceability of line graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 309 (2009) 3779-3785. PDF
[26] Zhi-Hong Chen, Hong-Jian Lai, Liming Xiong, Huiya Yan and Mingqian Zhan, Hamilton-connected indices of graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 309 (2009) 4819-4827. PDF
[25] Mingchu Li, Yongrui Cui, Liming Xiong, Yuan Tian, He Jiang and Xu Yuan, Circumferences and minimum degrees in 3-connected claw-free graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 309 (2009) 3580-3587. PDF
[24] Liming Xiong, Mei Lu and Longsheng Han, The structure of even factors in claw-free graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 309 (2009) 2417-2423. PDF
[23] Přemysl Holub and Liming Xiong, On distance local connectivity and the Hamiltonian index, Discrete Mathematics, 309 (2009) 2798-2807. PDF
[22] Liming Xiong and Qiuxing Wu, The Hamiltonian index of a 2-connected graph, Discrete Mathematics, 308 (2008) 6373-6382. PDF
[21] Liming Xiong, Qiuxin Wu and MingChu Li, Radius and subpancyclicity in line graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 308 (2008) 5325-5333. PDF
[20] Liming Xiong, The existence of even factors in iterated line graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 308 (2008) 5891-5894. PDF
[19] MingChu Li, Liming Xiong and H.J. Broersma, Connected even factors in claw-free graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 308 (2008) 2282-2284. PDF
[18] Liming Xiong and Mingchu Li, On the 2-factor index of a graph, Discrete Mathematics, 307 (2007) 2478-2483. PDF
[17] Fujisawa Fu, Liming Xiong, Yoshimoto Kiyoshi and Shenggui Zhang, The upper bound of the number of cycles in a 2-factor of a line graph, Journal of Graph Theory, 55 (2007) 72-82. PDF
[16] H.J.Broersma, Liming Xiong and K.Yoshimoto, Toughness and hamiltonicity in k-trees, Discrete Mathematics, 307 (2007) 832-838. PDF
[15] MingChu Li, Cheng Guo, Liming Xiong, Dengxin Li and Hong-Jian Lai, Quadrangularly connected claw-free graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 307 (2007) 1205-1211. PDF
[14] Qiuxin Wu, Tingzeng Wu and Liming Xiong, Even factors with degree at most four in claw-free graphs, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4489 (2007) 397-400. PDF
[13] MingChu Li and Liming Xiong, Constructive characterization of regular connected claw-free graphs, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4489 (2007) 329-333. PDF
[12] Liming Xiong and H.J. Broersma, Subpancyclicity in line graph and degree sums along paths, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 154 (2006) 1453-1463. PDF
[11] Tomas Kaiser, MingChu Li, Zdeněk Ryjáček and Liming Xiong, Hourglass and Hamiltonian cycles in 4-connected claw-free graphs, J. Graph Theory, 48 (2005) 267-276. PDF
[10] Liming Xiong, Zdeněk Ryjáček and H.J.Broesma, On stability of the Hamiltonian index under contractions and closures, J. Graph Theory, 49 (2005) 104-115. PDF
[9] Liming Xiong and Roman Kuzel, A note on shortness coefficient and the hamiltonicity in 4-connected line graphs, Graphs and Combinatorics, 21 (2005) 137-144. PDF
[8] Liming Xiong, H.J. Broersma, Xueliang Li and MingChu Li, The Hamiltonian index of a graph and its branch-bond, Discrete Mathematics, 285(2004) 279-288. PDF
[7] Liming Xiong and Zhanhong Liu, Hamiltonian iterated line graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 256 (2002) 407-422. PDF
[6] Liming Xiong, H.J. Broersma, C. Hoede, and Xueliang Li, Degree sums and subpancyclicity in line graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 242 (2002) 255-267. PDF
[5] H.J. Broersma and Liming Xiong, A note on minimum degree conditions for supereulerian graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 120 (2002) 35-43. PDF
[4] Liming Xiong, The Hamiltonian index of a graph, Graphs and Combinatorics, 27 (2001)7 75-784. PDF
[3] Liming Xiong, On subpancyclic line graphs, J. Graph Theory, 27 (1998) 67-74. PDF
[2] Liming Xiong, Edge degree conditions for subpancyclicity in line graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 188 (1998) 225-232. PDF
[1] Liming Xiong , Some results on closed 2-manifolds (in Chinese), 应用数学~Mathematica Applicata, 10 (2) (1997) 37-39. PDF


[0](Bassical, The first paper in English, 基础篇) Liming Xiong, Jianfang Wang, Zhongxiang Li and MingChu Li, Pancyclic line graphs, Combinatorics, Graph Theory, Algorithms and Applications (Beijing, 1993) 399-403, Word Sci. Publ., River Edge, NJ 1994 -第三届中美国际图论会议,于1993年6月1-5日在北京友谊宾馆(由中国科学院与北京理工大学联合主办)召开,PDF .

Some papers in other China Journals:
Journal of Jiangxi Normal University(江西师范大学学报)
Journal of Science and Technology Beijing (北京科技大学学报)
Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology (北京理工大学学报)


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