王晋娟 职称:预聘助理研究员 电子邮箱:wangjinjuan@bit.edu.cn
* indicates corresponding author
1. Wang J., Li N., Meng Z., Li Q. (2023) Change point detection for high dimensional data via kernel measure with application to human aging brain data. Statistics in Medicine, accepted.
2. Jiang Z., Guo H., Wang J*. (2023) Feature screening for multiple responses. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 105223.
3. Wang J., Long M., Li Q. (2023) A maximum kernel-based association test to detect the pleiotropic genetic effects on multiple phenotypes. Bioinformatics, 39(5), btad291.
4. Jiang, Z., Guo, H.,Wang, J*. (2023). Screening properties of trend tests in genetic association studies. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 9139.
5. Wang J., Jiang Z., Guo H., Li Z.. (2022) Divided-and-combined omnibus test for genetic association analysis with high-dimensional data. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 32 (3): 626-637.
6. Wang J., Zhao Y., Tang L., Mueller C., Li Q. (2022) A resample-replace Lasso procedure for combining high-dimensional markers with limit of detection. Journal of Applied Statistics, 49(16), 4278-4293.
7. Li Z., Wang B., Luo W., Xu Y., Wang J., Xue Z., Niu Y., Cheng Z., Ge S., Zhang W., Zhang J., Li Q., Chong K. (2022) Natural variation of codon repeats in COLD11 endows rice with chilling resilience. Science Advances 9, eabq5506.
8. Wang J., Jiang Z., Liu H., Meng Z.. (2021) Association testing for high-dimensional multiple response regression. Journal of Systems Science & Complexity, accepted.
9. Wang Z., Wang J., Li Q. (2021) Quadratic and Cauchy statistics. Journal of Applied Statistics and Management, 40(3): 405-416.
10. Wang J., Li J., Xiong W., Li Q. (2020) Group analysis of distance matrices. Genetic Epidemiology, 44: 620-628.
11. Xue Y., Ding J., Wang J., Zhang S., Pan D. (2020) Two-phase SSU and SKAT in genetic association studies. Journal of Genetics, 99(1): 1-10.
12. Wang J., Ding J., Huang S., Li Q., Pan D. (2019) A powerful method to test associations between ordinal traits and genotypes. G3-Genes, Genomes, Genetics, 9(8): 2573-2579.
13. Xue Y., Wang J., Ding J., Zhang S., Li Q. (2019) A powerful test for ordinal trait genetic association analysis. Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology, 18(2): 20170066.
2015 年,联合国成员国同意 17 项可持续发展目标 (SDG),以消除贫困、保护地球并确保全人类的繁荣。此人的工作有助于实现下列可持续发展目标: