2001.9-2005.7 清华大学,工学学士
2005.9-2010.7 清华大学,工学博士
2010.10-2021.6 中国石油大学(北京)新能源与材料学院,助理研究员、副研究员
其中2015.12-2016.11 德国,生物质研究中心,访问学者
2021.7-今 北京理工大学材料学院,副教授
1. Hao Jiang, Fan Wu, Yuchang Wang, Lu Feng, Hongjun Zhou, Yeqing Li*. Characteristics of in-situ hydrogen biomethanation at mesophilic and thermophilic temperatures. Bioresource Technology, 2021, 337: 125455.
2. Peng Zhang, Huibao Feng, Junzhu Yang, Hao Jiang*, Hongjun Zhou, Yuan Lu. Detection of inorganic ions and organic molecules with cell-free biosensing systems. Journal of Biotechnology, 2019, 300: 78-86.
3. Peng Zhang, Junqian Wang, Xuanwei Ding, Jun Lin, Hao Jiang*, Hongjun Zhou, Yuan Lu. Exploration of the tolerance ability of a cell-free biosynthesis system to toxic substances. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2019, 189: 1096-1107.
4. Hao Jiang*, Xin-Hui Xing. Mixed Methanotrophic Consortium for Applications in Environmental Bioengineering and Biocatalysis. In Methane Biocatalysis: Paving the Way to Sustainability, Springer: 2018, 237-251.
5. Hao Jiang*,Hong Nie, Jiangtao Ding, Walter Stinner, Kaixuan Sun, Hongjun Zhou. The startup performance and microbial distribution of an anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR) treating medium-strength synthetic industrial wastewater. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, 2018, 53(1): 46-54.
6. Hao Jiang, Changhong Duan, Mingfang Luo, Xin-Hui Xing*. Enrichment and characteristics of mixed methane-oxidizing bacteria from a Chinese coal mine. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2016, 100(24): 10331-10341.
7. Hao Jiang, Changhong Duan, Peixia Jiang, Minsheng Liu, Mingfang Luo, Xin-Hui Xing*. Characteristics of scale-up fermentation of mixed methane-oxidizing bacteria. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2016, 109: 112-117
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