王 国亮

根据储存在 Pure 的刊物以及来自 Scopus 的引用文献数量计算




王国亮 (David Guoliang Wang) 职称:教授 电子邮箱:glw@bit.edu.cn
我是北京理工大学数学教授,研究方向是代数组合学。我于2010年获南开大学博士学位,曾在北京国际数学研究中心(BICMR)和以色列海法大学做博士后工作,访问美国麻省理工学院(MIT)和法国 Gaspard-Monge 信息实验室(LIGM),近期研究兴趣是图的色对称函数的正性分类问题,即确定图的色对称函数是否具有e-正性或Schur正性。我曾主持三项国家自然科学基金,现任中国运筹学会图论组合分会理事。

[07] 2022.01--2025.12 General Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China. Grant No. 12171034.
[06] 2021.01--2021.12 Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities. Grant No. 2021CX11012.
[05] 2017.01--2018.12 Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities. Grant No. 20161742027.
[04] 2017.01--2020.12 General Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China. Grant No. 11671037.
[03] 2015.01--2017.12 Beijing Institute of Technology Research Fund Program for Young Scholars. Grant No. 2015CX04016.
[02] 2012.01--2014.12 Young Scientists Fund of National Natural Science Foundation of China. Grant No. 11101010.
[01] 2012.01--2012.12 China Postdoctoral Science Foundation. Grant No. 20110490224.

Talks that I invited:
[51] Shiyun Wang (Univ. Minnesota Twin Cities), 2024.4.24.
The Stanley–Stembridge Conjecture for 2+1+1-avoiding unit interval orders.
[50] ***, 2024.1.9.
Parking functions, interpolation polynomials, and partition lattice.
[49] (MIT), 2024.1.8.
A signed $e$-expansion of the chromatic symmetric function and some new $e$-positive graphs.
[48] (Nanjing Univ.), 2024.1.3.
[47] Shiliang Gao (Univ. lllinois Urbana–Champaign), 2023.12.28.
Newell–Littlewood numbers.
[46] Jiyang Gao (Harvard Univ.), 2023.12.22.
Balanced shifted tableaux.
[45] Yibo Gao (Peking Univ.), 2023.11.13.
An introduction to algebraic combinatorics.
[44] Dun Qiu (Nankai Univ.), 2023.9.15.
q-Unimodality and Catalan combinatorics.
[43] Shu-Xiao Li (Dalian Univ. Tech.), 2023.06.12.
Enriched colorings and peak algebras.
[42] Shu-Xiao Li (Dalian Univ. Tech.), 2023.06.10.
Generalized chromatic functions and Schur functions.
[41] Shu-Xiao Li (Dalian Univ. Tech.), 2023.06.05.
An overview of combinatorial Hopf algebras.
[40] Shu-Xiao Li (Dalian Univ. Tech.), 2023.06.03.
Total orders on trees.
[39] Yu Jin (Xiamen Univ.), 2022.10.13.
When Asymptotics, Stochastics meet Combinatorics: the beauty of generating functions.
[38] Jicai Liu (Wenzhou Univ.), 2022.09.06.
Supercongruences involving Motzkin numbers and central trinomial coefficients.
[37] Jianhua Tu (Beijing Tech. Business Univ.), 2022.04.27.
Extremal problems involving counting the number of a given type of substructure.
[36] Jun Ma (Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ.), 2022.04.27.
(M,i)-Multiset Eulerian polynomials.
[35] Rongxia Hao (Beijing Jiaotong Univ.), 2022.03.18.
The existent conditions of completely independent spanning trees for some graphs.
[34] Hongye Xie (Tianjin Univ. Tech.), 2021.11.11.
The inverse Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomial of a matroid.
[33] Xiaomeng Xu (Peking Univ.), 2021.11.11.
A complex analysis realization of crystals in representation theory.
[32] Jingjian Li (Guangxi Univ.), 2021.08.31.
On the classification of symmetric graphs.
[31] Tao Zhang (Guangzhou Univ.), 2021.07.21.
Some new results on repeated patterns in proper edge colorings.
[30] Yiqiao Wang (Beijing Univ. Chinese Med.), 2021.05.22.
Linear 2-arboricity of 1-planar graphs.
[29] Chong Shangguan (Shandong Univ.), 2021.04.13.
On two extremal hypergraph problems of Brown, Erdős and Sos.
[28] Ruyong Feng (Chinese Acad. Sci.), 2021.04.13.
Heights of the points on a plane algebraic curve.
[27] Guoce Xin (Capical Normal Univ.), 2021.02.02.
Some progress on the sweep map.
[26] Dingkang Wang (Univ. Chinese Acad. Sci.), 2021.02.01.
Prove and discover geometric theorems mechanically.
[25] Jun Ma (Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ.), 2021.01.26.
Weakly increasing trees on a multiset.
[24] Qing-Hu Hou (Nankai Univ.), 2021.01.26.
[23] Larry Xingwei Wang (Nankai Univ.), 2021.01.12.
Analytical properties of combinatorial sequences.
[22] Liyong Shen (Univ. Chinese Acad. Sci.), 2021.01.12.
Implicitizing rational tensor product surfaces.
[21] Li Liu (Qufu Normal Univ.), 2021.01.05.
Gamma-positivity of some combinatorial polynomials.
[20] Liping Yuan (Hebei Normal Univ.), 2020.12.24.
Right triple convexity.
[19] Yi Wang (Dalian Univ. Tech.), 2020.12.03.
Inertia indices and eigenvalue inequalities for Hermitian matrices.
[18] Xianwei Xia (Jiangsu Univ.), 2020.12.01.
Identities, inequalities and congruences for odd ranks and k-marked odd Durfee symbols.
[17] Baoxuan Zhu (Jiangsu Normal Univ.), 2020.12.01.
Stieltjes moment properties and continued fractions from combinatorial triangles.
[16] Mei Lu (Tsinghua Univ.), 2019.12.12.
Anti-Ramsey problems for cycles.
[15] Binzhou Xia (Univ. Melbourne), 2019.10.22.
Hamiltonicity of Cayley graphs.
[14] Biao Zhang (Tianjin Normal Univ.), 2018.07.24.
Interlacing polynomials and the Veronese construction for rational formal power series.
[13] Zhicong Lin (Jimei Univ.), 2018.07.07.
A new decomposition of ascent sequences and Euler–Stirling statistics.
[12] Zhicong Lin (Jimei Univ.), 2018.07.07.
Positivity and divisibility of alternating descent polynomials.
[11] Shaoshi Chen (Chinese Acad. Sci.), 2018.07.06.
Proof of the Wilf–Zeilberger conjecture for mixed hypergeometric terms.
[10] Yongke Qu (Luoyang Normal Univ.), 2017.05.19.
On additive bases of finite abelian groups.
[09] Peter L. Guo (Nankai Univ.), 2017.05.19.
Some combinatorial aspects on Young tableaux.
[08] Larry X.W. Wang (Nankai Univ.), 2016.11.29.
Log-behavior of combinatorial sequences.
[07] Xingxing Yu (Georgia Instit. Tech.), 2016.11.18.
On almost perfect matchings in k-partite k-graphs.
[06] Yeong-Nan Yeh (Academia Sinica, Taipei), 2016.11.10.
Combinatorial enumeration.
[05] William Y.C. Chen (Nankai Univ.), 2015.12.12.
Some theorems in combinatorics and the stories behind.
[04] Hongliang Lu (Xi'an Jiaotong Univ.), 2015.11.09.
On the number of edge-disjoint perfect matchings of regular graphs with given connectivity.
[03] Arthur L.B. Yang (Nankai Univ.), 2015.10.11.
Schur positivity from log-concavity problems.
[02] Zhicong Lin (postdoc at NIMS in South Korea), 2015.09.25.
Graph homomorphisms between trees.
[01] Zhicong Lin (postdoc at NIMS in South Korea), 2015.09.24.
On gamma-positive polynomials arising in pattern avoidance.

Doctoral students:
[03] 2023.09--, Kai Zhang, a master student from Lanzhou Univ.
[02] 2022.09--Present, Davion Qibao Tang, upgraded from a master student at BIT.
[01] 2019.09--2022.06, Monica Mengyu Wang, a bachelor from Guangxi Univ. She is a postdoc at Capital Normal Univ. since Jul. 2022.

Master students:
[07] 2023.09--, Yumeng Gong, a bachelor from BIT.
[06] 2022.09--Present, Max Yuchen Liu, a bachelor from Hunan Univ.
[05] 2022.09--Present, James Zifan Zhou, a bachelor from BIT.
[04] 2022.09--Present, Ethan Yuanjian Qi, a bachelor from BIT.
[03] 2021.09--2022.08, Davion Qibao Tang, a bachelor from BIT.
[02] 2017.09--2020.07, Jerry Jiarui Zhang, a bachelor from BIT.
[01] 2016.09--2019.07, Dannielle Dandan Jin, a bachelor from Qufu Normal Univ.

Exchange students:
[01] Jonas Schwamberger, a master student from RWTH Aachen University, from 2017.09 to 2018.01. He was in a China-Germany one-semester-exchange program for master students.

Graduate classes:
[04] Graph Theory and Its Applications, spring 2022 (18 students).
[03] Graph Theory and Its Applications, fall 2020 (19 students).
[02] Graph Theory and Its Applications, fall 2019 (1700107 for 9 students).
[01] General Topology, spring 2018 (MTH17083 for 2 undergraduates, 1700103 for 8 master students and 10 phd students).

Undergraduate classes:
[09] Elementary Number Theory, fall 2023 (100171123 for 30 students, mainly of the third year).
[09] General Topology, spring 2022 (49 students of the third year).
[08] Discrete Mathematics, fall 2021 (116 students, mainly of the third year).
[07] General Topology, spring 2021 (MTH17083 for 44 students of the third year).
[06] Discrete Mathematics, fall 2020 (100171205 for 111 students, mainly of the third year).
[05] Calculus for Engineering, fall 2019 (100172103 for 123 freshmen and 100171018 for 30 freshmen).
[04] Calculus A, fall 2017 (100172101 for 78 freshmen).
[03] Advanced Algebra B1, fall 2017 (100172109 for 102 freshmen).
[02] Linear Algebra A, fall 2017 (100172105 for 73 freshmen).
[01] Calculus for Engineering, fall 2015. (98 freshmen)


algebraic combinatorics


[03] 2005.09--2010.06 理学博士 南开大学 组合数学中心
[02] 2001.09--2005.07 理学学士 北京大学 数学科学学院
[01] 1998.09--2001.07 高中 山东省青岛第二中学

[03] 2005.09--2010.06, Ph.D. for Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, Center for Combinatorics, Nankai Univ.
Supervisor: William Y.C. Chen.
[02] 2001.09--2005.07, A.B. for Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, School of Mathematical Sciences, Peking Univ.
[01] 1998.09--2001.07, Academic education in High school, Qingdao No. 2 Middle School of Shandong Province.


[06] 2023.01--2023.05 法国 Gaspard-Monge 信息实验室(LIGM)高级研究学者
[05] 2020.07--今 北京理工大学 数学与统计学院 教授
[04] 2018.09--2019.08 美国麻省理工学院(MIT) 数学系 访问副教授
[03] 2014.12--2020.07 北京理工大学 数学与统计学院 副教授
[02] 2012.10--2014.09 以色列海法大学 数学系 博士后
[01] 2010.07--2012.06 北京大学 北京国际数学研究中心(BICMR) 博士后

[06] 2023.01--2023.05, Senior Research Fellow at LIGM, Paris, France.
[05] 2020.07--present, Professor in mathematics, Sch. Math. Stat., BIT, Beijing.
[04] 2018.09--2019.08, Visiting Associate Professor at Dept. Math., MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.
[03] 2014.12--2020.07, Associate Professor in mathematics, Sch. Math. Stat., BIT, Beijing.
[02] 2012.10--2014.09, Postdoc in Dept. Math., Univ. Haifa, Haifa, Israel.
[01] 2010.07--2012.06, Postdoc in Beijing International Center for Mathematical Research (BICMR), PKU, Beijing.


Books published:
[02] Guoliang Wang, Lecture Notes on General Topology, World Scientific, Singapore, 152 pp, ISBN: 978-981-122-741-7, eISBN: 978-981-122-742-4, 2021.01.
This is a hard copy version with a minor collection of update and revision based on [01], internationally on sale.
[01] Guoliang Wang, Lecture Notes on General Topology, HEP Studies in Modern Mathematics, Higher Education Press, Beijing, 140 pp, ISBN: 978-7-04-052749-0, 2019.10.

Papers published/accepted:
[41] H. Lu, D.G.L. Wang, and Q. Yu, Characterization of Tutte-type condition and graph factors, devoted to the 80th birthday of Professor Guizhen Liu, SCIENTIA SINICA Mathematica (in Chinese) 54(11) (2024), 1--8.
[40] M.Y.C. Liu and D.G.L. Wang, A unimodal sequence with mode at a quarter length, J. Difference Equ. Appl. 29(7) (2023), 763--778.
[39] D.G.L. Wang and M.M.Y. Wang, The e-positivity and Schur positivity of some spiders and broom trees, Discrete Appl. Math. 325 (2023), 226--240.
[38] D.G.L. Wang and M.M.Y. Wang, The e-positivity of two classes of cycle-chord graphs, J. Alg. Combin. 57(2) (2023), 495--514.
[37] Z.C. Lin, D.G.L. Wang, and T. Zhao, A decomposition of ballot permutations, pattern avoidance and Gessel walks, J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 191 (2022), 105644.
[36] H. Lu and D.G.L. Wang, Surface embedding of non-bipartite k-extendable graphs, Ann. Appl. Math. 38 (2022), 1--24.
[35] D.G.L. Wang and T.Y. Zhao, The peak and descent statistics over ballot permutations, Discrete Math. 345(3) (2022), 112739.
[34] D.G.L. Wang, M.M.Y. Wang, and S.Q. Zhang, Determining the edge metric dimension of the generalized Petersen graph P(n,3), J. Comb. Optim. 43 (2022), 460--496.
[33] E.Y.H. Li, G.M.X. Li, D.G.L. Wang, and A.L.B. Yang, The twinning operation on graphs does not always preserve e-positivity, Taiwanese J. Math. 25 (2021), no. 6, 1089--1111.
[32] Z.C. Lin, S.-M. Ma, D.G.L. Wang, and L.Q. Wang, Positivity and divisibility of enumerators of alternating descents, Ramanujan J. 58 (2022), 203--228.
[31] D.G.L. Wang and J.J.R. Zhang, Geometry of limits of zeros of polynomial sequences of type (1,1), Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc. (2) 44 (2021), 785--803.
[30] D.G.L. Wang and M.M.Y. Wang, A combinatorial formula for the Schur coefficients of chromatic symmetric functions, Discrete Appl. Math. 285 (2020), 621--630.
[29] D.G.L. Wang and J.J.R. Zhang, A Toeplitz property of ballot permutations and odd order permutations, Electron. J. Combin. 27(2) (2020), P2.55.
[28] Z.C. Lin, D.G.L. Wang, and J. Zeng, Around the q-binomial-Eulerian polynomials, European J. Combin. 78 (2019), 105--120.
[27] D.D.D. Jin and D.G.L. Wang, On the minimum vertex cover of generalized Petersen graphs, Discrete Appl. Math. 266 (2019), 309--318.
[26] S.-M. Ma, T. Mansour, D.G.L. Wang, and Y.-N. Yeh, Several variants of the Dumont differential system and permutation statistics, Sci. China Math. 62(10) (2019), 2033--2052.
[25] H. Lu and D.G.L. Wang, A Tutte-type characterization for graph factors, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 31(2) (2017), 1149--1159.
[24] H. Lu and D.G.L. Wang, The number of disjoint perfect matchings in semi-regular graphs, Appl. Anal. Discrete Math. 11(1) (2017), 11--38.
[23] H. Hu, D.G.L. Wang, F. Zhao, and T.Y. Zhao, Convolution preserves partial synchronicity of log-concave sequences, Math. Inequal. Appl. 20(1) (2017), 91--103.
[22] J.L. Gross, T. Mansour, T.W. Tucker, and D.G.L. Wang, Root geometry of polynomial sequences II: Type (1,0), J. Math. Anal. Appl. 441(2) (2016), 499--528.
[21] D.G.L. Wang, Tilings of parallelograms by similar isosceles triangles, Math. Intelligencer 38(3) (2016), 24--29.
[20] J.L. Gross, T. Mansour, T.W. Tucker, and D.G.L. Wang, Iterated claws have real-rooted genus polynomials, Ars Math. Contemp. 10(2) (2016), 255--268.
[19] J.L. Gross, T. Mansour, T.W. Tucker, and D.G.L. Wang, Combinatorial conjectures that imply local log-concavity of graph genus polynomials, European J. Combin. 52(A) (2016), 207--222.
[18] J.L. Gross, T. Mansour, T.W. Tucker, and D.G.L. Wang, Root geometry of polynomial sequences I: Type (0,1), J. Math. Anal. Appl. 433(2) (2016), 1261--1289.
[17] J.L. Gross, T. Mansour, T.W. Tucker, and D.G.L. Wang, Log-concavity of the genus polynomials of Ringel ladders, Electron. J. Graph Theory & Appl. 3(2) (2015), 109--126.
[16] J.L. Gross, T. Mansour, T.W. Tucker, and D.G.L. Wang, Log-concavity of combinations of sequences and applications to genus distributions, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 29(2) (2015), 1002--1029.
[15] T. Mansour and D.G.L. Wang, Recurrence relations in counting the pattern 13-2 in flattened permutations, J. Difference Equ. Appl. 21(1) (2015), 16--36.
[14] H. Lu and D.G.L. Wang, Surface embedding of (n,k)-extendable graphs, Discrete Appl. Math. 179 (2014), 163--173.
[13] D.G.L. Wang, On colored set partitions of type B_n, Cent. Eur. J. Math. 12(9) (2014), 1372--1381.
[12] H. Lu, D.G.L. Wang, and Q. Yu, On the existence of general factors in regular graphs, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 27(4) (2013), 1862--1869.
[11] T. Mansour, M. Shattuck, and D.G.L. Wang, Recurrence relations for patterns of type (2,1) in flattened permutations, J. Difference Equ. Appl. 20(1) (2014), 58--83.
[10] T. Mansour, M. Shattuck, and D.G.L. Wang, Counting subwords in flattened permutations, J. Combin. 4(3) (2013), 327--356.
[09] H. Lu and D.G.L. Wang, On Cui-Kano's characterization problem on graph factors, J. Graph Theory 74(3) (2013), 335--343.
[08] D.G.L. Wang, On universal tilers, Geom. Dedicata 164(1) (2013), 385--393.
[07] D.G.L. Wang, Determining all universal tilers, Discrete Comput. Geom. 49(2) (2013), 302--316.
[06] D.G.L. Wang and T.Y. Zhao, The real-rootedness and log-concavities of coordinator polynomials of Weyl group lattices, European J. Combin. 34(2) (2013), 490--494.
[05] W.Y.C. Chen, T.X.S. Li, and D.G.L. Wang, A bijection between atomic partitions and unsplitable partitions, Electron. J. Combin. 18(1) (2011), #P7.
[04] W.Y.C. Chen and D.G.L. Wang, On singletons and adjacencies of type B set partitions, Discrete Math. 311(6) (2011), 418--422.
[03] W.Y.C. Chen and D.G.L. Wang, The limiting distribution of the q-derangement numbers, European J. Combin. 31(8) (2010), 2006--2013.
[02] W.Y.C. Chen and D.G.L. Wang, Minimally intersecting set partitions of type B , Electron. J. Combin. 17 (2010), #R22.
[01] W.Y.C. Chen, D.G.L. Wang, and I.F. Zhang, Partitions of Z_n into arithmetic progressions, European J. Combin. 30(4) (2009), 764--773.


深入其中 Guoliang Wang 为活跃的研究主题。这些主题标签来自此人的成果。它们共同形成唯一的指纹。

