2020.12~至今 北京理工大学管理与经济学院 教授 博士生导师
2019.1~2020.10瑞典皇家理工学院与瑞典梅拉达伦大学 博士后研究员
2012.9~2018.11 瑞典皇家理工学院能源过程系 工学博士
2010.9~2012.7 瑞典斯德哥尔摩大学经济系 经济学硕士
2006.9~2010.7 北京大学经济学院 金融学学士
代表性论文(*通讯作者; #共同第一作者)
1. S.H Zhang#, C. Zhang#, W.J Cai#., . . . P. Gong* et al., The 2023 China Report of the Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change: Taking Stock for a Thriving Future. The Lancet Public Health, 2023, ISSN 2468-2667.
2. S.H Zhang, W.J Cai*, C. Zhang, Margaret Chan Fung Fu-Chun & P. Gong, Focus on Health for Global Adaptation to Climate Change, Nature 618, 457 (2023).
3. M.Z Zhao, M.K Zhu, Y.Y Chen, C. Zhang*, W.J Cai*, The Uneven Impacts of Climate Change on China’s Labor Productivity and Economy, Journal of Environmental Management, 2023, Volume 351, 2024, 119707, ISSN 0301-4797.
4. W.J Cai#, C. Zhang#, S.H Zhang#., … P. Gong* et al., The 2022 China Report of the Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change: Leveraging Climate Actions for Healthy Ageing, The Lancet Public Health, 2022, Volume 7, Issue 12, e1073 - e1090
5. C. Zhang, P. Gong*. Healthy China: from words to actions. The Lancet Public Health, Volume 4, 2019, Page 438-439, ISSN 2468-2267
6. W.J Cai#, C. Zhang#, S.H Zhang#., … P. Gong* et al., The 2021 China Report of the Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change: Seizing the Window of Opportunity, The Lancet Public Health, 2021, ISSN 2468-2667
7. 蔡闻佳#, 张弛#, 张诗卉#, … 宫鹏* 等. 以气候行动助力健康老龄化, 科学通报. 2023. 33.68. 4472 - 4479
8. 蔡闻佳#, 张弛#, 张诗卉#, … 宫鹏* 等. 把握机会窗口期减缓气候变化对中国居民健康影响, 科学通报, Volume 68, Issue 15, 2023, Pages 1899-1905, ISSN 0023-074X, https://doi.org/10.1360/TB-2022-0709.
9. 蔡闻佳#, 张弛#, 孙凯平#., … 宫鹏* 等, 因地而异的气候变化健康影响需要因地而异的应对措施[J]. 科学通报 66, 3925 (2021); doi: 10.1360/TB-2021-0140
10. 张弛(章节共同作者)气候变化与公共健康,应对气候变化报告气候变化绿皮书, 2021, ISBN: 978-7-5201-9307-8
11. C. Zhang, W.J. Cai, Z. Liu, YM. Wei, D.B. Guan, Z. Li, J.Y. Yan, P. Gong*. Five Tips for China to Realize its Co-Targets of Climate Mitigation and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Geography and Sustainability. 2020. 245-249
12. W.J Cai#, C. Zhang#, H.P Suen#., … P. Gong* et al., The 2020 China report of the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change, The Lancet Public Health, 2020, ISSN 2468-2667 (ESI高被引)
13. C. Zhang*, P.E. Campana, C.X. Liu, K.Wang, J.Y. Yan*, Crowdfunding Preferences for a Sustainable Milk Product with Integrated Photovoltaic Water Pumping System in China, Applied Energy, Volume 255, 2019, 113694, ISSN 0306-2619
14. C. Zhang*, P.E. Campana, J. Yang, C.Q. Yu, J.Y. Yan*. Economic Assessment of Photovoltaic Water Pumping Integration with Dairy Milk Production, Energy Conversion and Management, Vol 177, 2018, Pages 750-764, ISSN 0196-8904.
15. C. Zhang*, P.E. Campana, J. Yang, J.Y. Yan*, Economic performance of photovoltaic water pumping systems with business model innovation in China, Energy Conversion and Management, Volume 133, 2017, Pages 498-510, ISSN 0196-8904,
16. C. Zhang*, J.Y. Yan*, CDM’s influence on technology transfers: A study of the implemented clean development mechanism projects in China, Applied Energy, Volume 158, 2015, Pages 355-365, ISSN 0306-2619
17. C.Q Yu*, X. Huang, H. Chen, H.C. Godfray, J.S. Wright, J. Hall, G. Huang, S.C. Ni, S. Qiao, Y. Xiao, J. Zhang, X. Ju, P. Ciais , Ni. Stenseth, D. Hessen, Z. Sun, L. Yu, W.J. Cai, X.M. Huang, H.H. Fu, Z. Feng, C. Zhang, H.B. Liu, J.Taylor. Managing nitrogen to restore water quality in China, Nature, volume 567, Pages516–520 (2019)
18. L.J. Ding*; Y.J. Liang; E.CK Tan; Y. Hu; C. Zhang, Y.X Liu, F.Z Xue*, R. Wang*. Smoking, heavy drinking, physical inactivity, and obesity among middle-aged and older adults in China: Cross-sectional findings from the baseline survey of CHARLS 2011–2012, BMC Public Health 20, 1062, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-020-08625-5
19. Y. Ding*, C.Z. Shao, J.Y. Yan, C. Zhang, Y.H Song, C.X Guo. Economical Flexibility Options for Integrating Fluctuating Wind Energy in Power Systems: The Case of China, Applied Energy, 228, 2018, 426-436.
20. K. Wang*, J. Wang, Y. M. Wei, C. Zhang. A novel dataset of emission abatement sector extended input-output table for environmental policy analysis, Applied Energy. 231, 2018, Pages 1259-1267
21. Y. Xian, K. Wang*, X. Shi, C. Zhang, Y.M. Wei, Z. Huang. Carbon emissions intensity reduction target for China’s power industry: An efficiency and productivity perspective. Journal of Cleaner Production. Volume 197, Part 1, 2018, Pages 1022-1034, ISSN 0959-6526
22. C. Zhang*, M. Wu*, J.Y. Chen, K.Y. Chen, C. Zhang, C. Xie, B. Huang, Z.C He. Weather Visibility Prediction Based on Multimodal Fusion. IEEE Access PP (99):1-1 June 2019 DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2920865.
23. K. Wang*, K. Yang, Y.M. Wei, C. Zhang. Shadow prices of direct and overall carbon emissions in China’s construction industry: a parametric directional distance function-based sensitive estimation. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics. 2018
24. F.H. Yao, Y.P. Zeng, R. Zhang*, C. Zhang*. Estimating Heat-related physical activity loss in China in the Context of Climate Change:1986-2021. Energy Proceedings. 2022, accepted
25. B. Li, Y.X. Zhang, C. Zhang*. Evaluating the stranded assets of coal power units in China under the constraint of carbon emission. Energy Proceedings. 2022, accepted
26. Y.C. Zhao, Z.Q. Liu, Y.P. Zeng, C. Zhang*. Assessing the Impact of the Aging on Carbon Emissions in China. Energy Proceedings. 2022, accepted
27. C. Zhang*, P.E. Campana, C.X. Liu, Y. Zhang, J.Y. Zhang, J.Y. Yan, Purchase Intention for Crowd-funded Milk Products with Integrated Photovoltaic Water Pumping Systems in China, Energy Procedia, Volume 159, 2019, Pages 503-508, ISSN 1876-6102
28. C. Zhang, P.E. Campana, J. Yang, J.Y. Zhang, J.Y. Yan*, Can solar energy support milk production? ---A case study of solar energy and alfalfa integration for milk production in china, Energy Procedia, Volume 105, May 2017, Pages 3953-3959.
29. C. Zhang*, P.E. Campana, J. Yang, J.Y. Yan, Analysis of Distributed Photovoltaic Financing: A Case Study Approach of Crowd-funding with Photovoltaic Water Pumping System in Microgrids, Energy Procedia, Volume 103, 2016, Pages 387-393, ISSN 1876-6102.
30. C. Zhang*, J.Y. Yan, Business Model Innovation on the Photovoltaic Water Pumping Systems for Grassland and Farmland Conservation in China, Energy Procedia, Volume 61, 2014, Pages 1483-1486, ISSN 1876-6102.
1. 国家自然科学基金委青年基金项目“中国城镇化进程中气候变化环境治理与人口健康效益的协同性研究” 2022-2024,主持
2. 国家自然科学基金专项项目“双碳目标下我国资源-环境-经济 协同发展机制与实现路径研究” 2022-2026,核心成员
3. 国家社会科学重大项目“协同推进降碳减污扩绿增长的机制创新和政策优化研究”2023-2025,子课题负责人
4. 国家重点研发计划“能源与水纽带关系及高效绿色利用关键技术-可再生能源与节水技术协同性分析利用”2016-2022,核心成员
5. 国家高技术基金863项目“以可再生能源为主的城市园区冷热电联供微网系统关键技术研究”2015-2018,核心成员
6. 瑞典经济及地区发展署Tillväxtverket科研基金项目 “Technology Transfer and Commercialization of PV Water Pumping in Cooperation between Sweden and China ”2013-2015,子课题负责人
7. 瑞典科技发展署SIDA科研基金项目“Demonstration and Scale-Up of Photovoltaic Solar Water Pumping for the Conservation of Grassland and Farmland in China” 2012-2014,子课题负责人
Applied Energy 副主编
Environmental Research Letters编委
Wiley《Handbook of Clean Energy Systems》清洁能源手册系列书籍助理编辑
Applied Energy, Energy Conversion and Management, Journal of Cleaner Production, Ecological Economics,Environmental Research Letters等学术期刊评审人
2020.12~至今 北京理工大学管理与经济学院 教授 博士生导师
2019.1~2020.10瑞典皇家理工学院与瑞典梅拉达伦大学 博士后研究员
代表性论文(*通讯作者; #共同第一作者)
1. S.H Zhang#, C. Zhang#, W.J Cai#., . . . P. Gong* et al., The 2023 China Report of the Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change: Taking Stock for a Thriving Future. The Lancet Public Health, 2023, ISSN 2468-2667.
2. S.H Zhang, W.J Cai*, C. Zhang, Margaret Chan Fung Fu-Chun & P. Gong, Focus on Health for Global Adaptation to Climate Change, Nature 618, 457 (2023).
3. M.Z Zhao, M.K Zhu, Y.Y Chen, C. Zhang*, W.J Cai*, The Uneven Impacts of Climate Change on China’s Labor Productivity and Economy, Journal of Environmental Management, 2023, Volume 351, 2024, 119707, ISSN 0301-4797.
4. W.J Cai#, C. Zhang#, S.H Zhang#., … P. Gong* et al., The 2022 China Report of the Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change: Leveraging Climate Actions for Healthy Ageing, The Lancet Public Health, 2022, Volume 7, Issue 12, e1073 - e1090
5. C. Zhang, P. Gong*. Healthy China: from words to actions. The Lancet Public Health, Volume 4, 2019, Page 438-439, ISSN 2468-2267
6. W.J Cai#, C. Zhang#, S.H Zhang#., … P. Gong* et al., The 2021 China Report of the Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change: Seizing the Window of Opportunity, The Lancet Public Health, 2021, ISSN 2468-2667
7. 蔡闻佳#, 张弛#, 张诗卉#, … 宫鹏* 等. 以气候行动助力健康老龄化, 科学通报. 2023. 33.68. 4472 - 4479
8. 蔡闻佳#, 张弛#, 张诗卉#, … 宫鹏* 等. 把握机会窗口期减缓气候变化对中国居民健康影响, 科学通报, Volume 68, Issue 15, 2023, Pages 1899-1905, ISSN 0023-074X, https://doi.org/10.1360/TB-2022-0709.
9. 蔡闻佳#, 张弛#, 孙凯平#., … 宫鹏* 等, 因地而异的气候变化健康影响需要因地而异的应对措施[J]. 科学通报 66, 3925 (2021); doi: 10.1360/TB-2021-0140
10. 张弛(章节共同作者)气候变化与公共健康,应对气候变化报告气候变化绿皮书, 2021, ISBN: 978-7-5201-9307-8
11. C. Zhang, W.J. Cai, Z. Liu, YM. Wei, D.B. Guan, Z. Li, J.Y. Yan, P. Gong*. Five Tips for China to Realize its Co-Targets of Climate Mitigation and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Geography and Sustainability. 2020. 245-249
12. W.J Cai#, C. Zhang#, H.P Suen#., … P. Gong* et al., The 2020 China report of the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change, The Lancet Public Health, 2020, ISSN 2468-2667 (ESI高被引)
13. C. Zhang*, P.E. Campana, C.X. Liu, K.Wang, J.Y. Yan*, Crowdfunding Preferences for a Sustainable Milk Product with Integrated Photovoltaic Water Pumping System in China, Applied Energy, Volume 255, 2019, 113694, ISSN 0306-2619
14. C. Zhang*, P.E. Campana, J. Yang, C.Q. Yu, J.Y. Yan*. Economic Assessment of Photovoltaic Water Pumping Integration with Dairy Milk Production, Energy Conversion and Management, Vol 177, 2018, Pages 750-764, ISSN 0196-8904.
15. C. Zhang*, P.E. Campana, J. Yang, J.Y. Yan*, Economic performance of photovoltaic water pumping systems with business model innovation in China, Energy Conversion and Management, Volume 133, 2017, Pages 498-510, ISSN 0196-8904,
16. C. Zhang*, J.Y. Yan*, CDM’s influence on technology transfers: A study of the implemented clean development mechanism projects in China, Applied Energy, Volume 158, 2015, Pages 355-365, ISSN 0306-2619
17. C.Q Yu*, X. Huang, H. Chen, H.C. Godfray, J.S. Wright, J. Hall, G. Huang, S.C. Ni, S. Qiao, Y. Xiao, J. Zhang, X. Ju, P. Ciais , Ni. Stenseth, D. Hessen, Z. Sun, L. Yu, W.J. Cai, X.M. Huang, H.H. Fu, Z. Feng, C. Zhang, H.B. Liu, J.Taylor. Managing nitrogen to restore water quality in China, Nature, volume 567, Pages516–520 (2019)
18. L.J. Ding*; Y.J. Liang; E.CK Tan; Y. Hu; C. Zhang, Y.X Liu, F.Z Xue*, R. Wang*. Smoking, heavy drinking, physical inactivity, and obesity among middle-aged and older adults in China: Cross-sectional findings from the baseline survey of CHARLS 2011–2012, BMC Public Health 20, 1062, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-020-08625-5
19. Y. Ding*, C.Z. Shao, J.Y. Yan, C. Zhang, Y.H Song, C.X Guo. Economical Flexibility Options for Integrating Fluctuating Wind Energy in Power Systems: The Case of China, Applied Energy, 228, 2018, 426-436.
20. K. Wang*, J. Wang, Y. M. Wei, C. Zhang. A novel dataset of emission abatement sector extended input-output table for environmental policy analysis, Applied Energy. 231, 2018, Pages 1259-1267
21. Y. Xian, K. Wang*, X. Shi, C. Zhang, Y.M. Wei, Z. Huang. Carbon emissions intensity reduction target for China’s power industry: An efficiency and productivity perspective. Journal of Cleaner Production. Volume 197, Part 1, 2018, Pages 1022-1034, ISSN 0959-6526
22. C. Zhang*, M. Wu*, J.Y. Chen, K.Y. Chen, C. Zhang, C. Xie, B. Huang, Z.C He. Weather Visibility Prediction Based on Multimodal Fusion. IEEE Access PP (99):1-1 June 2019 DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2920865.
23. K. Wang*, K. Yang, Y.M. Wei, C. Zhang. Shadow prices of direct and overall carbon emissions in China’s construction industry: a parametric directional distance function-based sensitive estimation. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics. 2018
24. F.H. Yao, Y.P. Zeng, R. Zhang*, C. Zhang*. Estimating Heat-related physical activity loss in China in the Context of Climate Change:1986-2021. Energy Proceedings. 2022, accepted
25. B. Li, Y.X. Zhang, C. Zhang*. Evaluating the stranded assets of coal power units in China under the constraint of carbon emission. Energy Proceedings. 2022, accepted
26. Y.C. Zhao, Z.Q. Liu, Y.P. Zeng, C. Zhang*. Assessing the Impact of the Aging on Carbon Emissions in China. Energy Proceedings. 2022, accepted
27. C. Zhang*, P.E. Campana, C.X. Liu, Y. Zhang, J.Y. Zhang, J.Y. Yan, Purchase Intention for Crowd-funded Milk Products with Integrated Photovoltaic Water Pumping Systems in China, Energy Procedia, Volume 159, 2019, Pages 503-508, ISSN 1876-6102
28. C. Zhang, P.E. Campana, J. Yang, J.Y. Zhang, J.Y. Yan*, Can solar energy support milk production? ---A case study of solar energy and alfalfa integration for milk production in china, Energy Procedia, Volume 105, May 2017, Pages 3953-3959.
29. C. Zhang*, P.E. Campana, J. Yang, J.Y. Yan, Analysis of Distributed Photovoltaic Financing: A Case Study Approach of Crowd-funding with Photovoltaic Water Pumping System in Microgrids, Energy Procedia, Volume 103, 2016, Pages 387-393, ISSN 1876-6102.
30. C. Zhang*, J.Y. Yan, Business Model Innovation on the Photovoltaic Water Pumping Systems for Grassland and Farmland Conservation in China, Energy Procedia, Volume 61, 2014, Pages 1483-1486, ISSN 1876-6102.
1. 国家自然科学基金委青年基金项目“中国城镇化进程中气候变化环境治理与人口健康效益的协同性研究” 2022-2024,主持
2. 国家自然科学基金专项项目“双碳目标下我国资源-环境-经济 协同发展机制与实现路径研究” 2022-2026,核心成员
3. 国家社会科学重大项目“协同推进降碳减污扩绿增长的机制创新和政策优化研究”2023-2025,子课题负责人
4. 国家重点研发计划“能源与水纽带关系及高效绿色利用关键技术-可再生能源与节水技术协同性分析利用”2016-2022,核心成员
5. 国家高技术基金863项目“以可再生能源为主的城市园区冷热电联供微网系统关键技术研究”2015-2018,核心成员
6. 瑞典经济及地区发展署Tillväxtverket科研基金项目 “Technology Transfer and Commercialization of PV Water Pumping in Cooperation between Sweden and China ”2013-2015,子课题负责人
7. 瑞典科技发展署SIDA科研基金项目“Demonstration and Scale-Up of Photovoltaic Solar Water Pumping for the Conservation of Grassland and Farmland in China” 2012-2014,子课题负责人
Applied Energy 副主编
Environmental Research Letters编委
Wiley《Handbook of Clean Energy Systems》清洁能源手册系列书籍助理编辑
Applied Energy, Energy Conversion and Management, Journal of Cleaner Production, Ecological Economics,Environmental Research Letters等学术期刊评审人
1. 国家自然科学基金委青年基金项目“中国城镇化进程中气候变化环境治理与人口健康效益的协同性研究” 2022-2024,主持
2. 国家自然科学基金专项项目“双碳目标下我国资源-环境-经济 协同发展机制与实现路径研究” 2022-2026,核心成员
3. 国家社会科学重大项目“协同推进降碳减污扩绿增长的机制创新和政策优化研究”2023-2025,子课题负责人
4. 国家重点研发计划“能源与水纽带关系及高效绿色利用关键技术-可再生能源与节水技术协同性分析利用”2016-2022,核心成员
5. 国家高技术基金863项目“以可再生能源为主的城市园区冷热电联供微网系统关键技术研究”2015-2018,核心成员
6. 瑞典经济及地区发展署Tillväxtverket科研基金项目 “Technology Transfer and Commercialization of PV Water Pumping in Cooperation between Sweden and China ”2013-2015,子课题负责人
7. 瑞典科技发展署SIDA科研基金项目“Demonstration and Scale-Up of Photovoltaic Solar Water Pumping for the Conservation of Grassland and Farmland in China” 2012-2014,子课题负责人