Willmore hypersurfaces with two distinct principal curvatures in R n+1

Tongzhu Li*

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2 Citations (Scopus)


We classify Willmore hypersurfaces of dimension n ≥3 in ℝ n+1 with two distinct principal curvatures under Möbius transformation group of ℝ n+1. We also characterize conformally flat Willmore hypersurfaces in ℝ n+1 for n ≥ 4 in terms of the hyperelastic curves in two-dimensional real space forms.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)129-149
Number of pages21
JournalPacific Journal of Mathematics
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2012


  • Conformally flat hypersurfaces
  • Elastic curve
  • Willmore hypersurfaces


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Li, T. (2012). Willmore hypersurfaces with two distinct principal curvatures in R n+1 Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 256(1), 129-149. https://doi.org/10.2140/pjm.2012.256.129