Wide temperature span and giant refrigeration capacity magnetic refrigeration materials for hydrogen liquefaction

Lu Tian, Zhaojun Mo*, Jianjian Gong, Xinqiang Gao, Zhenxing Li, Jun Liu, Guodong Liu*, Jun Shen

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10 Citations (Scopus)


Based on theoretical calculations and experiments, the crystal structure, electronic structure, magnetism, and magnetocaloric effect (MCE) of the Ho5B2C5 compound have been systematically investigated. The Ho5B2C5 compound with a typical metallic nature was found to crystallize in a tetragonal structure belonging to space group P4/ncc (No. 130), and its magnetic ground state was identified as ferromagnetic (FM) ordering based on theoretical and experimental results. Additionally, a second-order magnetic phase transition from FM to paramagnetic around approximately 27 K was observed in the Ho5B2C5 compound, resulting in a large MCE. Under varying magnetic fields ( Δ H ) from 0 to 7 T, the maximum magnetic entropy change ( − Δ S M max ), refrigeration capacity (RC), and δ TFWHM are 21.3 J/kg K, 1001.6 J/kg, and 60.2 K (a wide temperature range from 15.2 to 75.4 K), respectively. The outstanding MCE performance of the Ho5B2C5 compound is expected to facilitate the progress of magnetic refrigeration for hydrogen liquefaction.

Original languageEnglish
Article number102408
JournalApplied Physics Letters
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - 4 Mar 2024


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