What is the major problem with wrought Mg alloys?

Abdul Malik, Yangwei Wang*, Cheng Huanwu, Faisal Nazeer, Muhammad Abubaker Khan

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Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debate

19 Citations (Scopus)


From a mechanistic point of view, eye-catching magnesium alloys are greatly different than face-centered cubic metals. However, low strength, low ductility, and anisotropic mechanical behavior of Mg alloys are main hurdles, which are mainly attributed to the hexagonal close-packed structure, limited-slip activity, low stacking fault energy, and twin strain path dependencies. The {101¯2}<101¯1>twin boundaries can easily be imparted in Mg alloys through in-plane compression, thereby decrease the grain size through twin boundaries grain refinement and greatly change the crystallographic texture. The twin dependencies on strain path loading and different slip activity change the mechanical strength. However, the size of the specimen before pre-compression is the most critical parameter which should be chosen wisely. Apart from this, a fraction of <c+a> dislocations can also be induced by pre-compression up to strain ~7–10%. Therefore, it is anticipated that the pre-induced grain refinement through twin boundaries, textural changes, and <c+a> dislocations by cross pre-compression would be advantageous for high strength, high ductility, and exacerbation of anisotropic behavior.

Original languageEnglish
Article number100162
JournalResults in Engineering
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2020


  • Cross pre-compression
  • Pre-induced <c+a> slips
  • Schmid factor
  • Strength and ductility
  • Texture


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Malik, A., Wang, Y., Huanwu, C., Nazeer, F., & Khan, M. A. (2020). What is the major problem with wrought Mg alloys? Results in Engineering, 7, Article 100162. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rineng.2020.100162