Visible-Infrared Person Re-identification with Real-world Label Noise

Ruiheng Zhang, Zhe Cao, Yan Huang*, Shuo Yang, Lixin Xu*, Min Xu

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In recent years, growing needs for advanced security and traffic management have significantly heightened the prominence of the visible-infrared person re-identification community (VI-ReID), garnering considerable attention. A critical challenge in VI-ReID is the performance degradation attributable to label noise, an issue that becomes even more pronounced in cross-modal scenarios due to an increased likelihood of data confusion. While previous methods have achieved notable successes, they often overlook the complexities of instance-dependent and real-world noise, creating a disconnect from the practical applications of person re-identification. To bridge this gap, our research analyzes the primary sources of label noise in real-world settings, which include a) instantiated identities, b) blurry infrared images, and c) annotators' errors. In response to these challenges, we develop a Robust Hybrid Loss function (RHL) that enables targeted recognition and retrieval optimization through a more fine-grained division of the noisy dataset. The proposed method categorises data into three sets: clean, obviously noisy, and indistinguishably noisy, with bespoke loss calculations for each category. The identification loss is structured to address the varied nature of these sets specifically. For the retrieval sub-task, we utilize an enhanced triplet loss, adept at handling noisy correspondences. Furthermore, to empirically validate our method, we have re-annotated a real-world dataset, SYSU-Real. Our experiments on SYSU-MM01 and RegDB, conducted under various noise ratios of random and instance-dependent label noise, demonstrate the generalized robustness and effectiveness of our proposed approach.

Original languageEnglish
JournalIEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 2025


  • Person re-identification
  • cross-modality
  • instance-dependent label noise
  • robust deep learning
  • visible infrared


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Zhang, R., Cao, Z., Huang, Y., Yang, S., Xu, L., & Xu, M. (Accepted/In press). Visible-Infrared Person Re-identification with Real-world Label Noise. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology.