Virtual 3-D Multipole accelerated extractor for VLSI parasitic interconnect capacitance

Zhao Zhi Yang*, Ze Yi Wang, Shu Zhou Fang

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With development of the VLSI circuits towards the deep submicron,it is in great need of calculating the parasitic capacitance quickly and precisely to gain correct design of circuits with high performance. A virtual 3-D extractor of the single dielectric is presented in this paper. In the indirect boundary integral equations based on the potential theory, the plane charge distribution on the surface of conductors is replaced with mesh charge distribution to reduce the complexity of 3-D structure, and we use the multipole-accelerated algorithm to further depress the computational complexity. Since it reserves the geometry of three-dimensional structure and reduces the integral of electrical charge from two-dimensions to one-dimension, it obtains not only enough accuracy but also a high computational speed. Numerical results show that its computational complexity is about O (n), where n is the number of the discrete variables.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)129-131
Number of pages3
JournalTien Tzu Hsueh Pao/Acta Electronica Sinica
Issue number11
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2000
Externally publishedYes


  • Indirect boundary element method (BEM)
  • Multipole-accelerated algorithm
  • Parasitic capacitance
  • Virtual 3-D


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Yang, Z. Z., Wang, Z. Y., & Fang, S. Z. (2000). Virtual 3-D Multipole accelerated extractor for VLSI parasitic interconnect capacitance. Tien Tzu Hsueh Pao/Acta Electronica Sinica, 28(11), 129-131.