Vacancy engineering and constructing built-in electric field in Z-scheme full-spectrum-Response 0D/3D BiOI/MoSe2 heterojunction modified PVDF membrane for PPCPs degradation and anti-biofouling

Linlin Zhang, Jianang Sha, Gaohui Sun, Rongrong Chen*, Qi Liu, Jingyuan Liu, Jing Yu, Hongsen Zhang, Jun Wang

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38 Citations (Scopus)


Vacancy engineering and constructing a built-in electric field are effective strategies to enhance the photocatalytic performance of semiconductors. Herein, a novel Z-scheme photocatalyst 0D/3D-BiOI/MoSe2-heterojunction-modified polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) membrane is prepared by constructing a built-in electric field and implementing defect engineering. The 0D/3D BiOI/MoSe2 heterojunction not only has a wide light absorption range but also promotes the separation of photogenerated carriers through defect engineering and the interface with the built-in electric field. Constructing the built-in electric field greatly facilitates the scavenging of the photogenerated electrons on the surface of BiOI by MoSe2, thereby enhancing the overall photocatalytic activity of the composites. Furthermore, the heat-collecting photocatalytic composite membrane controls the reaction at the surface and interface. The membrane is composed of a unique pyroelectric substrate PVDF–hexafluoropropane, a hollow interior photothermal material MoSe2, and a representative photocatalyst BiOI. The enhanced photocatalytic efficiency is demonstrated by the degradation of tetracycline, which reaches 98% after 120 min. This all-in-one multifunctional porous membrane provides a simple and sustainable strategy for clean water production.

Original languageEnglish
Article number128867
JournalChemical Engineering Journal
Publication statusPublished - 15 Jun 2021
Externally publishedYes


  • Anti-biofouling
  • BiOI
  • MoSe
  • Vacancy engineering
  • Z-Scheme


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