Tumbling and anomalous alignment of optically levitated anisotropic microparticles in chiral hollow-core photonic crystal fiber

Shangran Xie*, Abhinav Sharma, Maria Romodina, Nicolas Y. Joly, Philip St J. Russell

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19 Citations (Scopus)


The complex tumbling motion of spinning nonspherical objects is a topic of enduring interest, both in popular culture and in advanced scientific research. Here, we report all-optical control of the spin, precession, and nutation of vaterite microparticles levitated by counterpropagating circularly polarized laser beams guided in chiral hollow-core fiber. The circularly polarized light causes the anisotropic particles to spin about the fiber axis, while, regulated by minimization of free energy, dipole forces tend to align the extraordinary optical axis of positive uniaxial particles into the plane of rotating electric field. The end result is that, accompanied by oscillatory nutation, the optical axis reaches a stable tilt angle with respect to the plane of the electric field. The results reveal new possibilities for manipulating optical alignment through rotational degrees of freedom, with applications in the control of micromotors and microgyroscopes, laser alignment of polyatomic molecules, and study of rotational cell mechanics.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbereabf6053
JournalScience advances
Issue number28
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2021
Externally publishedYes


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