Tripartite game models in a dual-channel supply chain: Competition and cooperation

Zhenkai Lou, Fujun Hou*, Xuming Lou, Yubing Zhai

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    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    3 Citations (Scopus)


    This paper considers tripartite games in a dual-channel supply chain which involves a manufacturer, an offline retailer and an online retailer. Both competition and cooperation issues are analyzed. In the competition model, a Stackelberg game between the manufacturer and two retailers and a Bertrand game between two retailers occur simultaneously. It is shown that the channel which attracts more consumers' purchase preference is charged a higher wholesale price and it meanwhile declares a higher sales price. In the presence of revenue sharing, cooperation issues between the three participants are studied and the change of the revenue of each participant is analyzed when partial cooperation exists. Further, the definition of the optimum two-player coalition is proposed. We demonstrate that the channel which attracts more preference of consumers is definitely in the optimum coalition. The structure of the two-player coalition is analyzed. Finally, under revenue sharing and cost apportionments, the change of each participant's profit is examined.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)653-671
    Number of pages19
    JournalRAIRO - Operations Research
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Mar 2021


    • Competition and cooperation
    • Equal distribution criterion
    • Optimum two-player coalition
    • Tripartite games


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    Lou, Z., Hou, F., Lou, X., & Zhai, Y. (2021). Tripartite game models in a dual-channel supply chain: Competition and cooperation. RAIRO - Operations Research, 55(2), 653-671.