Timing acquisition for bandlimited long-code DS-CDMA in doubly-selective fading channels

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The code timing acquisition problem of bandlimited long-code based DS-CDMA systems operating in doubly-selective time-varying multipath channels is considered. We extend the unstructured schemes proposed by Buzzi et al to long-code spreading, which first estimates the Symbol Weighted Composite Channel Impulse Response (SW-CCIR) vectors and then extracts the timing informations. We also propose novel structured acquisition schemes, which directly estimate the multipath propagation delays by exploiting the apriori knowledge of the chip waveform. Both the structured and unstructured schemes are blind, since they require no other aprioriinformation but the aperiodic spreading code of the desired user. Our numerical results demonstrate that the structured acquisition significantly outperforms both its unstructured counterpart and the classic correlator-based acquisition at a reasonable complexity increase.

Original languageEnglish
Article number2169404
Pages (from-to)671-674
Number of pages4
JournalIEEE Transactions on Plasma Science
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 2008


  • Bandlimited chip-waveforms
  • Doubly-selective fading
  • Long spreading codes
  • Timing acquisition


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