Time-changed spectrally positive Lévy processes started from infinity

Clément Foucart, Pei Sen Li, Xiaowen Zhou

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

6 Citations (Scopus)


Consider a spectrally positive Lévy process Z with log-Laplace exponent Ψ and a positive continuous function R on (0, ∞). We investigate the entrance from infinity of the process X obtained by changing time in Z with the inverse of the additive functional η(t) = ∫ 0tR(Zdss). We provide a necessary and sufficient condition for infinity to be an entrance boundary of the process X. Under this condition, the process can start from infinity and we study its speed of coming down from infinity. When the Lévy process has a negative drift δ:= −γ < 0, sufficient conditions over R and Ψ are found for the process to come down from infinity along the deterministic function (xt, t ≥ 0) solution to dxt = −γ R(xt ) dt with x0 = ∞. If Ψ(λ) ∼ cλα as λ → 0, α ∈ (1, 2], c > 0 and R is regularly varying at ∞ with index θ > α, the process comes down from infinity and we find a renormalisation in law of its running infimum at small times.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1291-1318
Number of pages28
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - May 2021
Externally publishedYes


  • Coming down from infinity
  • Continuous-state non-linear branching process
  • Entrance boundary
  • Hitting time
  • Regularly varying function
  • Spectrally positive Lévy process
  • Time-change
  • Weighted occupation time


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