Theoretical method for calculating the sea ice elastic modulus in an ocean wave model

Changpeng Zhang, Xin Zhao*

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As the melting of Arctic sea ice accelerates, the sea state of the Arctic Ocean is constantly changing. To accurately predict ocean waves in polar regions with ice cover, it is necessary to develop an accurate wave-ice interaction model. The wave model with ice cover based on the viscoelastic sea ice model has shown good performance in recent research results. However, the viscosity and elastic parameters in this sea ice model cannot be determined directly. A theoretical method for estimating the elastic modulus in the viscoelastic sea ice model is developed in this paper. This is a method that combines the scattering theory of elastic ice floes and the equivalent elastic energy method, which assumes that the elastic energy of discrete ice floes is equivalent to the viscoelastic ice layer. With this method, the equivalent elastic modulus of the discrete ice floe field can be directly calculated. As the diameter of the ice floe increases, the value of the equivalent elastic modulus increases nonlinearly in the calculation results, but it is not affected by the wave period.

Original languageEnglish
Article number102800
JournalApplied Ocean Research
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2021


  • Elastic modulus
  • Sea ice
  • Wave scattering
  • Waves


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Zhang, C., & Zhao, X. (2021). Theoretical method for calculating the sea ice elastic modulus in an ocean wave model. Applied Ocean Research, 114, Article 102800.