The trajectory planning of spacecraft based on optimal quintic polynomial

Yanghua Li, Bo Mo

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)


This paper focuses on the implementation and application of the quintic polynomial in the spacecraft trajectory planning. Firstly, the kinematics model and dynamics model of the spacecraft is established. Secondly, the PID control algorithm is used to control the spacecraft. Thirdly, in order to achieve fast and flexible of the spacecraft attitude maneuver, the coefficients of the quintic polynomial are adjusted continuously to optimize the spacecraft. At last, this paper uses Simulink for the simulation, such that the maneuver which is not less than 40 ° is completed within a predetermined period of time angle and such that the attitude angle, attitude angular velocity, and posture angular acceleration can be smoothed.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - 2013
Event2013 2nd International Conference on Measurement, Information and Control, ICMIC 2013 - Harbin, China
Duration: 16 Aug 201318 Aug 2013


Conference2013 2nd International Conference on Measurement, Information and Control, ICMIC 2013


  • Quintic polynomial
  • Spacecraft attitude
  • Trajectory planning


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Li, Y., & Mo, B. (2013). The trajectory planning of spacecraft based on optimal quintic polynomial. 865-868. Paper presented at 2013 2nd International Conference on Measurement, Information and Control, ICMIC 2013, Harbin, China.