The kinetics mechanism of MgB2layer formation within MgB2superconducting wire fabricated using improved internal Mg diffusion process

Yongchang Liu, Fang Cheng, Qi Cai, Wenbin Qiu, Yao Lu, Zongqing Ma*

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16 Citations (Scopus)


Internal Mg diffusion (IMD) process can produce MgB2superconducting wires with engineering critical current density several times higher than that of traditional powder in tube processed wires, which makes it an attractive and promising method for mass producing practical MgB2wires. However, the MgB2layer growth stops shortly after the onset of the heat treatment and unreacted B always remained in the MgB2layer within MgB2wires, negatively affecting the Jeperformance. Thus it is of great importance to have an in-depth understanding of the mechanism of reaction between Mg rod and B powder forming the MgB2layer within IMD wires during heat treatment, and identify the critical factor that controls the formation rate of MgB2layer. In present work, the kinetics mechanism of reaction between Mg and B forming MgB2layer in the internal Mg diffusion (IMD) processed MgB2wires were systemically studied in present work. It was found that the reaction between Mg and B forming MgB2layer during the heating treatment is controlled by varied mechanisms. At initial stage, the formation of MgB2layer is mainly determined by the rate of chemical reaction between liquid Mg and B powder. As the reaction processes and the thickness of synthesized MgB2layer increases, the slow Mg diffusion-limited mechanism gradually becomes dominant at final stage. On the basis, herein Mg rod with a thin Cu coating is proposed to replace normal Mg rod in IMD procedure to accelerate the formation of MgB2layer within wires. As a result, Cu coating can change the kinetics mechanism of MgB2layer formation and enable the formation of MgB2layer to get rid of the restriction of slow Mg diffusion. Complete dense MgB2layer without B-rich or unreacted B regions was successfully synthesized within Cu coated IMD wires with larger diameter (1.03 mm) at temperature as low as 600 °C (below Mg melting point). The kinetics mechanism of MgB2layer formation determined in our work can provide a valuable guide for optimizing processing parameters of IMD MgB2wires. Moreover, the Cu coating technique proposed here opens a promising way to fabricate practical high performance IMD wires at low heating temperature.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)37-42
Number of pages6
JournalJournal of Alloys and Compounds
Publication statusPublished - 2017
Externally publishedYes


  • Cu coating
  • MgBwire
  • Reaction kinetics


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Liu, Y., Cheng, F., Cai, Q., Qiu, W., Lu, Y., & Ma, Z. (2017). The kinetics mechanism of MgB2layer formation within MgB2superconducting wire fabricated using improved internal Mg diffusion process. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 697, 37-42.