The integration research of pre-multicast method and adaptive routing protocol with random network coding based on the OMNeT++ platform

Qing Nie, Kai Song, Fei Gao*

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In this paper, both the pre-multicast method and the adaptive routing protocol are proposed. The random network coding with these protocols are not only more stable and reliable, but also improves the utilization of network resources. According to the function of the nodes in the network, this paper establishes the source node model, the intermediate node model and the sink node model based on the OMNeT++ simulation platform. In particular, in this paper, both pre-multicast and adaptive routing modules are combined in the node model. By the simulation, using or not using both pre-multicast module and adaptive routing module in the network transmission module, the network transmission reliability is analyzed. The network performance, such as delay and effective throughput, is evaluated to verify the expected results. Because the designed node models are independent of each other, they can be applied to most real network topologies. Researchers can also modify a module of a model or improve an algorithm to achieve more complex functions according to their own needs.

Original languageEnglish
Article number04007
JournalMATEC Web of Conferences
Publication statusPublished - 10 Aug 2018
Event2nd International Conference on Material Engineering and Advanced Manufacturing Technology, MEAMT 2018 - Beijing, China
Duration: 25 May 201827 May 2018


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