The Impact Behavior of As-Cast TiVTa(Nb) Refractory Single-Phase Concentrated Solid Solution Alloys

Xue Yin, Yankun Dou*, Xinfu He*, Ke Jin, Chenglong Wang, Yaguang Dong, Haoran Wang, Weihua Zhong, Yunfei Xue, Wen Yang

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3 Citations (Scopus)


The impact behaviors of as-cast body-centered-cubic (BCC)-structure TiVTa and TiVTaNb refractory single-phase concentrated solid solution alloys were studied under impact loading as part of an effort to evaluate their potential application in the nuclear field as structural materials. Instrumented Charpy impact tests and fractography analysis showed that TiVTaNb demonstrated a relatively higher ductility with a higher total impact absorbed energy, higher shear-rips proportion, lower ductile–brittle transition temperature (DBTT) and higher upper shelf energy (USE) than that of TiVTa from − 150°C to 550°C. Analysis of load–displacement curves revealed that the crack initiation and propagation energy of TiVTaNb is larger than that of TiVTa, showing the higher resistance to crack initiation and propagation in TiVTaNb. This study demonstrates that the TiVTaNb is a promising ductile material for structural applications.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)4326-4334
Number of pages9
Issue number11
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2022


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