The effect of the aero optic's additional focal length on the airborne platform laser communication

Yuan Hu, Tianyuan Gao, Dewen Cheng, Shoufeng Tong, Huilin Jiang

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review


The aero optics effects caused by high speed flight may have a serious impact on the performance of space laser communication systems. In the field of space laser communication technology engineering and its practical application, this is a research problem that is highly significant. For the complex flow field that is generated by the interaction between the aircraft surface and air, the aero optics effects are usually divided into two parts, namely, laminar flow and turbulent flow. This paper discusses the principle of how the aero optics effect causes the image of the space laser communication optical system to blur and leads to a dispersed spot. The research focuses on the additional focal length (AFL) effect caused by the laminar flow field, a simulation analysis of the relationship between the flight altitude, speed, window shape and the system performance, and provides solutions to the defocus phenomenon that has been observed in airborne tests. Finally it is hoped that the paper can provide a solution that effectively compensates for the AFL effect on laser communication optical systems, and improves the communication between aircrafts.

Original languageEnglish
Article number946513
JournalProceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
Issue numberJanuary
Publication statusPublished - 2015
EventLaser Radar Technology and Applications XX; and Atmospheric Propagation XII - Baltimore, United States
Duration: 21 Apr 201523 Apr 2015


  • additional focal length
  • aero optics
  • airborne platform
  • defocus
  • space laser communication


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Hu, Y., Gao, T., Cheng, D., Tong, S., & Jiang, H. (2015). The effect of the aero optic's additional focal length on the airborne platform laser communication. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 9465(January), Article 946513.