The Effect of O3 Addition on the One-Dimensional Pulsating Detonation Instability in Ar-Diluted H2/O2 Mixtures

G. Bakalis*, W. Han, R. Deiterding, H. D. Ng

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In this work, the effect of small O3 addition on the one-dimensional pulsating detonation instability in stochiometric, argon-diluted H2/O2 mixtures is investigated computationally. The numerical simulations are performed using the one-dimensional reactive Euler equations coupled with detailed chemical kinetics given by the base H2/O2 mechanisms of Burke and the eight-step O3 sub-mechanism of Zhao et al. These simulations are performed using AMROC, a fluid solver framework based on the block-structured adaptive mesh refinement algorithm (SAMR) that allows to dynamically increase the resolution of the domain in areas of interest, such as around shocks and the reaction fronts. A shock-capturing MUSCL-TVD finite volume scheme is used with a Roe-type approximate Riemann solver and a first-order Godunov splitting for the reactive term. The ozone effect on the pulsating detonation is compared with the argon dilution, commonly used to obtain stable detonation propagation, and is again explained using the stability parameter χ from the ZND analysis.

Original languageEnglish
Article number030011
JournalAIP Conference Proceedings
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2023
EventInternational Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2021, ICNAAM 2021 - Rhodes, Greece
Duration: 20 Sept 202126 Sept 2021


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