The combustion behavior of boron particles by using molecular perovskite energetic materials as high-energy oxidants

Peng Deng, Pengwan Chen, Hua Fang, Rui Liu, Xueyong Guo*

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47 Citations (Scopus)


Nonmetal fuel boron (B) had received much attention in the advanced solid propellants. However, the efficient ignition and combustion of B particles still held a huge challenge. In this work, as a typical molecular perovskite energetic material, (H2dabco)[NH4(ClO4)3] (DAP-4) was introduced as oxidant to design and prepare B-based fuel-oxidant materials, and the ignition and combustion behavior of boron particles by using DAP-4 as high-energy oxidant were studied. The results suggested DAP-4 with high energy property and strong oxidation ability has great potential as high-energy oxidant to be used in B-rich solid propellant systems. By adjusting the B/O ratios of DAP-4/B, the energy-releasing reaction properties of B particles were studied during the thermal decomposition, ignition, and combustion processes. The ignition and combustion reaction mechanism of B with DAP-4 as high-energy oxidant was discussed. Therefore, this work provides a proof-of-principle concept for the design and fabrication of molecular perovskite energetic materials-based B-rich high-energy solid propellants.

Original languageEnglish
Article number112118
JournalCombustion and Flame
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2022


  • Boron
  • Combustion
  • DAP-4
  • High-energy oxidant
  • Reaction mechanism


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Deng, P., Chen, P., Fang, H., Liu, R., & Guo, X. (2022). The combustion behavior of boron particles by using molecular perovskite energetic materials as high-energy oxidants. Combustion and Flame, 241, Article 112118.