Synthesis and characterization of boron carbide nanobelts

Xiao Qiang An, Hua Zhang Zhai*, Chuan Bao Cao, He Sun Zhu

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3 Citations (Scopus)


Boron carbide nanobelts have been synthesized successfully by carbothermal growth method. Boron oxide, activated carbon, gallium oxide and sodium chloride in the molar ratios of 1: 5: 0.03: 0.2 were used as raw materials. The width and thickness of the nanobelts range from 1 to 10 μm, and 80 to 150 nm respectively. The length is up to 50-200 μm. Diffraction peaks in the XRD pattern can be indexed to rhombohedral boron carbide with lattice parameters of a=5.616 Å, c= 12.067 Å. SAED pattern recorded along [010] zone axis shows (104) growth direction. A vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) growth process on the active catalyst surface is supposed to interpret the growth mechanism of as-synthesized nanobelts.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2166-2168
Number of pages3
JournalKey Engineering Materials
Volume336-338 III
Publication statusPublished - 2007


  • Bron carbide nanobelts
  • Chemical vapor deposition
  • VLS mechanism


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