Survey on time-delay approach to networked control

Kun Liu*, Anton Selivanov, Emilia Fridman

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Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

129 Citations (Scopus)


This paper provides a survey on time-delay approach to networked control systems (NCSs). The survey begins from a brief summary on fundamental network-induced issues in NCSs and the main approaches to the modelling of NCSs. In particular, a comprehensive introduction to time-delay approach to sampled-data and networked control is provided. Then, recent results on time-delay approach to event-triggered control are recalled. The survey highlights time-delay approach developed to modelling, analysis and synthesis of NCSs, under communication constraints, with a particular focus on Round-Robin, Try-once-discard and stochastic protocols. The time-delay approach allows communication delays to be larger than the sampling intervals in the presence of scheduling protocols. Moreover, some results on networked control of distributed parameter systems are surveyed. Finally, conclusions and some future research directions are briefly addressed.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)57-79
Number of pages23
JournalAnnual Reviews in Control
Publication statusPublished - 2019


  • Distributed parameter systems
  • Event-triggered control
  • Networked control systems
  • Scheduling protocols
  • Time-delay approach


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