Studies on Texture Evolutions of High-Purity Tantalum During the Forging and Recrystallization Procedures

Jiaqing Shi*, Song Zhang, Xun Li, Xiaodong Yu, Chengwen Tan, Jian Yang, Zhihua Nie*

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The effects of the cold forging and recrystallization annealing procedures on the microstructure and texture evolutions of high-purity tantalum used as target materials were studied by the electron backscatter diffraction analyses, with the aid of the crystal plasticity finite element simulations. The investigated forging and recrystallization annealing procedures include radial forging, upsetting forging, and different annealing treatments. A desired 〈111〉//AD texture was achieved through the combination of forging and annealing, and its formation is discussed in detail. It is also noticed that the intermediate annealing between radial forging and upsetting forging can effectively improve the microstructure and texture homogeneities during subsequent deformations. In addition, a crystal plasticity finite element model is implemented to simulate the texture evolutions during different forging procedures. The simulation results are in reasonable consistency with their experimental counterparts.


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Shi, J., Zhang, S., Li, X., Yu, X., Tan, C., Yang, J., & Nie, Z. (Accepted/In press). Studies on Texture Evolutions of High-Purity Tantalum During the Forging and Recrystallization Procedures. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science.