Stromataxic Stabilization of a Metastable Layered ScFeO3Polymorph

Lauren M. Garten*, Zhen Jiang, Hanjong Paik, John D. Perkins, Arvin Kakekhani, Ruixiang Fei, Don J. Werder, Megan E. Holtz, David S. Ginley, Andrew M. Rappe, Darrell G. Schlom, Margo L. Staruch

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7 Citations (Scopus)


Metastable polymorphs—materials with the same stoichiometry as the ground state but a different crystal structure— enable many critical technologies. This work describes the development of a stabilization approach for metastable polymorphs that are difficult to achieve through other stabilization techniques (such as epitaxy or quenching) called stromataxy. Stromataxy is a method based on controlling the precursor structure during the initial stages of material growth to dictate phase formation. To illustrate this approach, we controlled the atomic layering of the precursors of ScFeO3and stabilized the metastableP63cmphase, under conditions that previously led to the ground-stateIa3̅ bixbyite phase. Ab initio mechanistic calculations highlight the importance of the variable oxidation state of Fe and the layer stability during layer-by-layer growth. The broad applicability of a stromataxy approach was demonstrated by stabilizing this metastable phase on substrates that have previously been shown to stabilize other polymorphs under continuous growth. Stromataxy is shown as a viable option for accessing polymorphs that are close in energy, difficult to differentiate by strain, or that lack a well epitaxially matched substrate.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)7423-7431
Number of pages9
JournalChemistry of Materials
Issue number18
Publication statusPublished - 28 Sept 2021
Externally publishedYes


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