Strengthening and fracturing mechanisms of laser-directed energy deposited Al-7075 alloy

Rui Fu, Yaojian Liang, Qifei Han, Yueling Guo*, Hongshuai Lei, Changmeng Liu*

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17 Citations (Scopus)


Here, the strengthening and fracturing mechanisms of Al-7075 alloy fabricated by laser-directed energy deposition (L-DED) in the as-printed and heat-treated specimens are comprehensively analyzed. The defects in the as-printed specimen are mainly pores gathered in the interlayer region. These pores coalesce and grow during the tensile deformation, and may eventually become the failure source. The as-printed specimen consists mainly of columnar grains along the building direction. Within grains of the as-printed specimen, numerous dislocations and few MgZn2 precipitates. The strength and elongation in the vertical direction of the as-printed specimen reach 320 MPa and 5%, respectively. An optimized T6 heat treatment process is explored to improve the performance of the as-printed Al-7075 alloy. After heat treatment, more MgZn2 is precipitated and the dislocation disappears. The strength and elongation of the heat-treated specimen achieve 400 MPa and 8%, respectively. Due to the difference in microstructure, the strengthening mechanism of the as-printed specimen is mainly associated with dislocation strengthening and Orowan strengthening while that of the heat-treated specimen is dominated by Orowan strengthening. The study provides a guideline on the performance improvement of high-strength aluminum alloys processed by L-DED.

Original languageEnglish
Article number145433
JournalMaterials Science and Engineering: A
Publication statusPublished - 10 Aug 2023


  • Al-7075 alloy
  • Heat treatment
  • Laser-directed energy deposition
  • Mechanical properties
  • Microstructure


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Fu, R., Liang, Y., Han, Q., Guo, Y., Lei, H., & Liu, C. (2023). Strengthening and fracturing mechanisms of laser-directed energy deposited Al-7075 alloy. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 881, Article 145433.