Strain-controlled power devices as inspired by human reflex

Shuo Zhang, Bei Ma, Xingyu Zhou, Qilin Hua*, Jian Gong, Ting Liu, Xiao Cui, Jiyuan Zhu, Wenbin Guo, Liang Jing, Weiguo Hu, Zhong Lin Wang

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72 Citations (Scopus)


Bioinspired electronics are rapidly promoting advances in artificial intelligence. Emerging AI applications, e.g., autopilot and robotics, increasingly spur the development of power devices with new forms. Here, we present a strain-controlled power device that can directly modulate the output power responses to external strain at a rapid speed, as inspired by human reflex. By using the cantilever-structured AlGaN/AlN/GaN-based high electron mobility transistor, the device can control significant output power modulation (2.30–2.72 × 103 W cm−2) with weak mechanical stimuli (0–16 mN) at a gate bias of 1 V. We further demonstrate the acceleration-feedback-controlled power application, and prove that the output power can be effectively adjusted at real-time in response to acceleration changes, i.e., ▵P of 72.78–132.89 W cm−2 at an acceleration of 1–5 G at a supply voltage of 15 V. Looking forward, the device will have great significance in a wide range of AI applications, including autopilot, robotics, and human-machine interfaces.

Original languageEnglish
Article number326
JournalNature Communications
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2020
Externally publishedYes


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Zhang, S., Ma, B., Zhou, X., Hua, Q., Gong, J., Liu, T., Cui, X., Zhu, J., Guo, W., Jing, L., Hu, W., & Wang, Z. L. (2020). Strain-controlled power devices as inspired by human reflex. Nature Communications, 11(1), Article 326.