Statistics of tens-of-photons states scattered by optical cavities, two-level atoms, and Jaynes-Cummings emitters

Jia Nan Wu, Bingsuo Zou, Yongyou Zhang*

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Quantum technology is highly relevant to manipulating photon states, for which the quantum waveguide serves as a primary building block. It is a vital task to explore the statistics of tens-of-photons states in quantum waveguides coupled to quantum emitters, such as optical cavities (OCs), two-level atoms (TLAs), and Jaynes-Cummings emitters (JCEs). However, the related theoretical framework has not been established. Here, we use matrix-product-state theory and show that although OCs do not change the second-order photon-photon correlation g(2), they can tune the occupation ratio of bunching photons η. What is more, the states scattered by TLAs and JCEs exhibit extremely different statistical behaviors in tens-of-photons cases with respect to those in few-photon ones. The scattering effects from JCEs tend to those from OCs as photon number n→∞, and photon-photon correlation due to JCEs reaches a maximum value as n increases. We anticipate these distinguishable results for tens-of-photons states will be a starting point for multiphoton manipulation in quantum waveguides.

Original languageEnglish
Article number033701
JournalPhysical Review A
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2024


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Wu, J. N., Zou, B., & Zhang, Y. (2024). Statistics of tens-of-photons states scattered by optical cavities, two-level atoms, and Jaynes-Cummings emitters. Physical Review A, 110(3), Article 033701.