Stabilization of the Dual-Aromatic cyclo-N5- Anion by Acidic Entrapment

Lei Zhang*, Chuang Yao, Yi Yu, Sheng Li Jiang, Chang Q. Sun, Jun Chen

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55 Citations (Scopus)


Pentazole anion, the best candidate for full-nitrogen energetic materials, can be isolated only from acidic solution for unclear reasons, which hinders the high-yield realization of a full-nitrogen substance with higher energy density. Herein, we report for the first time the discovery of the dual aromaticity (πand σ) of cyclo-N5-, which makes the anion unstable in nature but confers additional stability in acidic surroundings. In addition to the usual π-aromaticity, similar to that of the prototypical benzene, five lone pairs are delocalized in the equatorial plane of cyclo-N5-, forming additional σ-aromaticity. It is the compatible coexistence of the inter-lone-pair repulsion and inter-lone-pair attraction within the σ-aromatic system that makes the naked cyclo-N5- highly reactive to electrophiles and easily broken. Only in sufficiently acid solution can the cyclo-N5- become unsusceptible to the electrophilic attack and gain extra stability through the formation of hydrogen-bonded complex from surrounding electrophiles; otherwise, the cyclo-N5- cannot be productively isolated. The dual aromaticity discovered in cyclo-N5- is expected to be universal for pnictogen five-membered ring systems.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2378-2385
Number of pages8
JournalJournal of Physical Chemistry Letters
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - 16 May 2019
Externally publishedYes


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