Sequence impedance modeling of droop-controlled inverter

You Hu, Jiajun Wang, Bin Liu, Zhen Li, Xiangdong Liu

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


The grid-connected three-phase inverter is an indispensable part of the microgrid. The droop control is widely used in parallel inverters for high reliability and flexibility. The output impedance of droop controlled inverters plays an vital role in its stability. However, the sequence impedance model of grid-connected inverter is currently based on the grid side converter with a single current loop control exdluding the low-frequency dynamics similar in doubly fed induction generators. Both the droop control and voltage loop control greatly affect the stability of inverter, specifically in the low frequency response. This paper proposes a sequence impedance model of inverter, which considers the droop control and voltage and current dual closed-loop control using the harmonic linearization method in the frequency domain. The accuracy of the model is verified through comparing the measurement impedance value in simulation with the impedance value calculated in the sequence impedance model. The influence of control method on system impedance is verified by showing the difference between the single loop controlled inverter and droop control inverter.

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2019
Event8th Renewable Power Generation Conference, RPG 2019 - Shanghai, China
Duration: 24 Oct 201925 Oct 2019


Conference8th Renewable Power Generation Conference, RPG 2019


  • Droop control
  • Harmonicline arization
  • Sequence impedance modeling
  • Three-phase inverter


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Hu, Y., Wang, J., Liu, B., Li, Z., & Liu, X. (2019). Sequence impedance modeling of droop-controlled inverter. Paper presented at 8th Renewable Power Generation Conference, RPG 2019, Shanghai, China.