Role of H2 doping in freely-propagating C2H2–O2 flames: Sensitivity and flame structure

Jianhang Li, Chaoqing Wang, Xuelian Xun, Wenhu Han*, Wenkai Liang*

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1 Citation (Scopus)


The effects of hydrogen (H2) addition on the freely-propagating acetylene-oxygen (C2H2–O2) flames in a doubly-infinite domain are investigated, considering separate and coupled chemical and transport phenomena. Results show that increasing proportions of H2 enhance the laminar flame speeds of C2H2–O2 mixtures. Moreover, H2 promotes the C2H2–O2 flame to contain both light (H, H2) and heavy (C2H2) species. Compared with the Soret diffusion and radiation effect, the unity Lewis number assumption can induce substantial inaccuracies. Sensitivity analysis indicates that the key elementary reaction H + O2[dbnd]O + OH exerts stronger influences on the laminar flame speed. Additionally, due to the effective enthalpy of C2H2 being greater than H2, adding H2 decreases both adiabatic flame temperature and enthalpy of C2H2–O2 flames. Notably, reactions C2H2 + O[dbnd]H + HCCO and C2H + H2[dbnd]H + C2H2 in the C2H2 sub-mechanism are identified as important exothermic- and endothermic-reactions respectively. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that dilution effects from CO2 have a larger impact compared to those from H2O and Ar. Finally, the effects of initial pressure and temperature on the laminar flame speeds are also discussed. The results of the present work provide guidance for the effective use of binary fuel and risk control as well as fire suppression.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)673-680
Number of pages8
JournalInternational Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Publication statusPublished - 4 Jul 2024


  • Acetylene
  • Flame promote
  • Hydrogen
  • Kinetics


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Li, J., Wang, C., Xun, X., Han, W., & Liang, W. (2024). Role of H2 doping in freely-propagating C2H2–O2 flames: Sensitivity and flame structure. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 73, 673-680.