Robust stabilization of interval plant family using H-optimization technique

Dahua Xie*, Kan Li, Qinghe Wu

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Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review


The robust stabilization problem (RSP) of interval plant family is considered. By representing the nominal plant with the normalized coprime factorization description, the RSP of interval plant family is converted to a particular H control problem. An analytical formula for calculating the parametric stability radius δmax of the closed-loop system consisting of the interval plant family and the H controller is given. Using δmax, the stability margin εIP of the closed-loop system, described in terms of the H-norm of the uncertain factors in the NCF description, is calculated. Numerical example shows that εIP is larger than the stability margin of the general unstructured uncertainties case.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1975-1979
Number of pages5
JournalProceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
Publication statusPublished - 2001
Event40th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) - Orlando, FL, United States
Duration: 4 Dec 20017 Dec 2001


  • H control
  • Interval plant family
  • Normalized coprime factorization
  • Stability margin


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Xie, D., Li, K., & Wu, Q. (2001). Robust stabilization of interval plant family using H-optimization technique. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2, 1975-1979.