Review of computer-generated hologram algorithms for color dynamic holographic three-dimensional display

Dapu Pi, Juan Liu*, Yongtian Wang

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175 Citations (Scopus)


Holographic three-dimensional display is an important display technique because it can provide all depth information of a real or virtual scene without any special eyewear. In recent years, with the development of computer and optoelectronic technology, computer-generated holograms have attracted extensive attention and developed as the most promising method to realize holographic display. However, some bottlenecks still restrict the development of computer-generated holograms, such as heavy computation burden, low image quality, and the complicated system of color holographic display. To overcome these problems, numerous algorithms have been investigated with the aim of color dynamic holographic three-dimensional display. In this review, we will explain the essence of various computer-generated hologram algorithms and provide some insights for future research.

Original languageEnglish
Article number231
JournalLight: Science and Applications
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2022


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Pi, D., Liu, J., & Wang, Y. (2022). Review of computer-generated hologram algorithms for color dynamic holographic three-dimensional display. Light: Science and Applications, 11(1), Article 231.