Residual Hyperbolic Graph Convolution Networks

Yangkai Xue, Jindou Dai, Zhipeng Lu*, Yuwei Wu*, Yunde Jia

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Hyperbolic graph convolutional networks (HGCNs) have demonstrated representational capabilities of modeling hierarchical-structured graphs. However, as in general GCNs, over-smoothing may occur as the number of model layers increases, limiting the representation capabilities of most current HGCN models. In this paper, we propose residual hyperbolic graph convolutional networks (R-HGCNs) to address the over-smoothing problem. We introduce a hyperbolic residual connection function to overcome the over-smoothing problem, and also theoretically prove the effectiveness of the hyperbolic residual function. Moreover, we use product manifolds and HyperDrop to facilitate the R-HGCNs. The distinctive features of the R-HGCNs are as follows: (1) The hyperbolic residual connection preserves the initial node information in each layer and adds a hyperbolic identity mapping to prevent node features from being indistinguishable. (2) Product manifolds in R-HGCNs have been set up with different origin points in different components to facilitate the extraction of feature information from a wider range of perspectives, which enhances the representing capability of R-HGCNs. (3) HyperDrop adds multiplicative Gaussian noise into hyperbolic representations, such that perturbations can be added to alleviate the over-fitting problem without deconstructing the hyperbolic geometry. Experiment results demonstrate the effectiveness of R-HGCNs under various graph convolution layers and different structures of product manifolds.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)16247-16254
Number of pages8
JournalProceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Issue number15
Publication statusPublished - 25 Mar 2024
Event38th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI 2024 - Vancouver, Canada
Duration: 20 Feb 202427 Feb 2024


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