Research on yaw rate feedback control strategy of four-wheel steer-by-wire system

Guo Biao Shi*, Lei Yan Yu, Yi Lin

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2 Citations (Scopus)


To improve the defects of traditional Four-Wheel-Steering system yaw rate feedback control strategy of Four-Wheel-Steer-by-Wire system was researched. Yaw rate feedback to rear wheels reduces steady sideslip angle to a very small value and decouples motions of yaw and sideslip; yaw rate feedback to front wheels can prescribe time constant of yaw, increase steering gain and improve responses of yaw rate. Simulation results of step response and frequency response show that presented four-wheel yaw rate feedback control strategy improves under steer tendency of traditional Four-Wheel-Steering, shortens reaction time, enhances the ability of driver to control vehicle accurately and so enhances handling stability.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)506-508
Number of pages3
JournalXitong Fangzhen Xuebao / Journal of System Simulation
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 20 Jan 2008


  • Decoupling
  • Four-wheel-steer-by-wire (SBW)
  • Steering gain
  • Yaw rate feedback


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Shi, G. B., Yu, L. Y., & Lin, Y. (2008). Research on yaw rate feedback control strategy of four-wheel steer-by-wire system. Xitong Fangzhen Xuebao / Journal of System Simulation, 20(2), 506-508.