Research on the light emitting diode array launching performance for indoor visible light communication

Hao Jie Liu, Tian Lan*, Guo Qiang Ni

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

8 Citations (Scopus)


A kind of illumination calculation of array antenna composed of light emitting diode (LED) source based on Lambert radiation model is proposed. This paper puts emphasis on the optimal design for the transmitting antenna of indoor visible light communication. And it also analyzes the influence of the forms of the spatial distribution of the light source, the distance between light sources, and the angle between the center beam of light source and optical axis of the system, as well as the layer spacing of space distribution on illumination uniformity. A circular array antenna is superior to a rectangular array antenna containing the same number of light sources in illumination uniformity and stability of signal transmission, which may increase by 10%. As the distance between light sources and the angle between the center beams of light sources and optical axis keep increasing, the illumination uniformity of array antenna composed of LED source increases first and then starts to drop. As a result, there exist the optimal values in the distance and the angle respectively. Illumination uniformity increases with the decrease of the distance of space distribution. The optimal value of design parameter of transmitting antenna array in a common room has been given, therefore, it optimizes launch performance, saves as much as 13% the number of light source and reduces the cost. These studies for the design of the transmitting antenna system provide a theoretical basis and practical values.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)238503
Number of pages1
JournalWuli Xuebao/Acta Physica Sinica
Issue number23
Publication statusPublished - 5 Dec 2014


  • Illumination uniformity
  • Indoor visible light communication
  • Light emitting diode
  • Transmitting antenna


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