Research on Temperature Characteristics of Pulse Laser Fuze Drive Circuit

Chengyi Liu, Weihan Wang, Shiyuan Hu, Mingze Gao, Fengjie Wang, Huimin Chen*

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The change in laser output power caused by the temperature change of the pulse laser fuze drive circuit directly affects the detection distance and accuracy. In order to achieve accurate distance determination of the pulse laser fuze, it is necessary to study the influence of temperature changes on the output characteristics of the pulse laser fuze drive circuit. In this paper, we study the changes in peak power caused by changes in component parameters such as resistors, capacitors, and laser diodes in the pulse laser drive circuit, which is caused by typical temperature gradients in the transient state. Based on Simulink software, a simulation model of pulsed laser drive circuit is built, and based on the theory of RLC loop equation and laser rate equation, the temperature-dependent gain coefficients are introduced to obtain the laser output characteristics corresponding to typical temperature. As a main result, we found that the laser output power decreases by about 10% during the temperature change from -50°C to 50°C. A hardware test platform is built to verify that the error is no more than 1%. The above study provides a reliable method for the design of the temperature model of the pulsed laser fuze drive circuit.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)64228-64236
Number of pages9
JournalIEEE Access
Publication statusPublished - 2024


  • circuit-level modeling
  • Laser fuze
  • pulse laser drive circuit
  • temperature characteristics


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Liu, C., Wang, W., Hu, S., Gao, M., Wang, F., & Chen, H. (2024). Research on Temperature Characteristics of Pulse Laser Fuze Drive Circuit. IEEE Access, 12, 64228-64236.