Regeneration of hair cells in the mammalian vestibular system

Wenyan Li, Dan You, Yan Chen, Renjie Chai, Huawei Li*

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36 Citations (Scopus)


Hair cells regenerate throughout the lifetime of non-mammalian vertebrates, allowing these animals to recover from hearing and balance deficits. Such regeneration does not occur efficiently in humans and other mammals. Thus, balance deficits become permanent and is a common sensory disorder all over the world. Since Forge and Warchol discovered the limited spontaneous regeneration of vestibular hair cells after gentamicininduced damage in mature mammals, significant efforts have been exerted to trace the origin of the limited vestibular regeneration in mammals after hair cell loss. Moreover, recently many strategies have been developed to promote the hair cell regeneration and subsequent functional recovery of the vestibular system, including manipulating the Wnt, Notch and Atoh1. This article provides an overview of the recent advances in hair cell regeneration in mammalian vestibular epithelia. Furthermore, this review highlights the current limitations of hair cell regeneration and provides the possible solutions to regenerate functional hair cells and to partially restore vestibular function.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)143-151
Number of pages9
JournalFrontiers of Medicine
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2016
Externally publishedYes


  • Atoh1
  • Notch
  • Wnt
  • hair cell
  • regeneration
  • utricle


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Li, W., You, D., Chen, Y., Chai, R., & Li, H. (2016). Regeneration of hair cells in the mammalian vestibular system. Frontiers of Medicine, 10(2), 143-151.