Reconstruction of the internal volume fraction for particle-liquid system from imaging indicators by refractive index matching

Yunhui Sun, Jiajun Jiao, Yi An, Xiaoliang Wang*, Qingquan Liu

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Refractive index matching (RIM) is widely used to investigate particle-liquid mixture flows. However, determining the volume fraction φ in RIM is generally empirical and lacks theoretical or experimental basis. To reasonably reconstruct the internal φ, this study performs systematic calibration experiments to study the relationship between φ and the imaging indicators. The results show that the model based on area fraction c2D will induce a large error for low φ owing to the instability of the particle’s apparent size. The traditionally adopted proportional function φ = ac2D is only valid for φ near the calibration point. A predictive model is proposed based on the size of the Voronoi cell, dpoly, which proves to be more accurate and stable in RIM experiments. The dpoly-based model is applied to dense granular flows down an inclined plane to study the internal profiles of φ and the bottom normal stress. (Figure presented.).

Translated title of the contribution基于折射率匹配实验图像指标的含液颗粒物质系统内部固体体积分数重构
Original languageEnglish
Article number323233
JournalActa Mechanica Sinica/Lixue Xuebao
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2024


  • Area fraction
  • Inclined flow
  • Refractive index matching
  • Volume fraction
  • Voronoi diagram


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