Recent progress on biomass-derived ecomaterials toward advanced rechargeable lithium batteries

Jia Liu, Hong Yuan, Xinyong Tao, Yeru Liang, Seung Jae Yang, Jia Qi Huang, Tong Qi Yuan*, Maria Magdalena Titirici, Qiang Zhang*

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143 Citations (Scopus)


Biomass materials are of great interest in high-energy rechargeable batteries due to their appealing merits of sustainability, environmental benefits, and more importantly, structural/compositional versatilities, abundant functional groups and many other unique physicochemical properties. In this perspective, we provide both overview and prospect on the contributions of biomass-derived ecomaterials to battery component engineering including binders, separators, polymer electrolytes, electrode hosts, and functional interlayers, and so forth toward high-stable lithium–ion batteries, lithium–sulfur batteries, lithium–oxygen batteries, and solid state lithium metal batteries. Furthermore, based on the multifunctionalities of bio-based materials, the design protocols for battery components with desired properties are highlighted. This perspective affords fresh inspiration on the rational designs of biomass-based materials for advanced lithium-based batteries, as well as the sustainable development of advanced energy storage devices. (Figure presented.).

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere12019
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2020


  • biomass
  • ecomaterials
  • lithium batteries


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Liu, J., Yuan, H., Tao, X., Liang, Y., Yang, S. J., Huang, J. Q., Yuan, T. Q., Titirici, M. M., & Zhang, Q. (2020). Recent progress on biomass-derived ecomaterials toward advanced rechargeable lithium batteries. EcoMat, 2(1), Article e12019.