RDX 基 PBX 炸药热损伤演化行为的量化表征

Translated title of the contribution: Quantitative Characterization of Thermal Damage Evolution of RDX-Based PBX Explosives

Liji Xu, Zhuoping Duan, Zhiling Bai*, Yanqing Wu, Fenglei Huang

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The thermal damaged features and evolutionbehaviors of high explosives (HEs) play a crucial roleintheir safety. In this study, micro-scale computerized tomography (Micro-CT) technology and quantitative image analysis were used to systematicallyinvestigatethe mesostructural defects in RDX-based PBXs after thermal damage, including defect geometrical features,quantitative statistics, and formation mechanism. The samples were heated untilreaching the critical ignition temperature. Significant changes in mesostructural morphology of the thermal damaged samples were observed,resulting in typical damage characteristics such asmechanical debonding of RDX particle-binder interfaces, meso-pores formed by thermal decomposition of RDX particles,and channels through interconnection of interfacial debonding. The variation of several key parameters with temperature used to characterize thermal damages were quantitatively analyzed, including porosity, pore size distribution, specific surface area, sphericity, and ubiquitiformal complexity. Through qualitative and quantitative observation of the mesostucture, the thermal damage mode and evolution of RDX-based PBXs with increasing temperature were obtained. This study provides physical basisfor investigating the sensitization mechanism of thermal damage on explosive ignition response and establishing a ubiquitiformal model for the ignition reaction evolution of damaged explosives.

Translated title of the contributionQuantitative Characterization of Thermal Damage Evolution of RDX-Based PBX Explosives
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)2002-2013
Number of pages12
JournalBinggong Xuebao/Acta Armamentarii
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - 30 Jul 2023


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