Rapid Generation of Mars Safe Landing Trajectory Based on Reachability Set

Dan Tong Ge, Ping Yuan Cui*, Ai Gao

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6 Citations (Scopus)


To solve the problems of possible real-time trajectory correcting and landing site re-designating during Mars powered descent, the paper computes the reachability set at the beginning of the powered descent phase offline and determines the final landing site online by comparing the current state of the lander with the obtained reachability set. The corresponding descent trajectory is then rapidly searched. If the lander fails to reach any of the given targets, a new landing site in the field of view will be selected through safety index and a trajectory will be planned. The simulation result shows that the proposed reachability set-based rapid trajectory planning method manages to determine the final landing site and obtain the landing trajectory in real-time according to the practical initial state of the lander, fulfilling the goal of Mars soft landing with limited fuel consumption.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)497-505
Number of pages9
JournalYuhang Xuebao/Journal of Astronautics
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 28 May 2017


  • Mars powered descent
  • Reachability set
  • Safe landing
  • Safety index
  • Trajectory generation


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Ge, D. T., Cui, P. Y., & Gao, A. (2017). Rapid Generation of Mars Safe Landing Trajectory Based on Reachability Set. Yuhang Xuebao/Journal of Astronautics, 38(5), 497-505. https://doi.org/10.3873/j.issn.1000-1328.2017.05.008