Preparation and characterization of Al@TKX-50@NC composite microspheres by electrospray

Shu ji Wang, Di Wang, Peng Chen, Shi Yan, Qing jie Jiao, Xue yong Guo*

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8 Citations (Scopus)


Micro-nano composite energetic materials have attracted extensive attention from researchers due to their excellent properties. Electrostatic spray drying, as an emerging composite material preparation technology, has an important impact on the assembly and energy release regulation of energetic materials. In this paper, NC with excellent mechanical properties was selected as the energetic binder. The uniform assembly of TKX-50 and Al was achieved by electrostatic spraying technology, and Al@TKX-50@NC micro-nano composite energetic material microspheres were prepared. The structure and composition of the composite were characterized, and its thermal decomposition kinetics and thermodynamics were calculated and analyzed. At the same time, its ignition and combustion performance were tested. It is found that the samples prepared by electrostatic spray are regular spherical, and the particle size is about 1–6 μm. Compared with the physical mixture samples, the Al@TKX-50@NC composite microspheres not only have a more complete oxidation reaction but also have better ignition and combustion performance. The results show that the electrostatic spray method is very effective in improving the energy release of composite energetic materials.

Original languageEnglish
Article number127910
JournalMaterials Chemistry and Physics
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2023


  • Aluminum
  • Combustion
  • Electrospraying
  • Energy release
  • TKX-50


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Wang, S. J., Wang, D., Chen, P., Yan, S., Jiao, Q. J., & Guo, X. Y. (2023). Preparation and characterization of Al@TKX-50@NC composite microspheres by electrospray. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 305, Article 127910.