Prediction of geometric characteristics of melt track based on direct laser deposition using m-svr algorithm

Xiyi Chen, Muzheng Xiao*, Dawei Kang, Yuxin Sang, Zhijing Zhang, Xin Jin

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6 Citations (Scopus)


Geometric characteristics provide an important means for characterization of the quality of direct laser deposition. Therefore, improving the accuracy of a prediction model is helpful for improving deposition efficiency and quality. The three main input variables are laser power, scan-ning speed, and powder-feeding rate, while the width and height of the melt track are used as out-puts. By applying a multi-output support vector regression (M-SVR) model based on a radial basis function (RBF), a non-linear model for predicting the geometric features of the melt track is devel-oped. An orthogonal experimental design is used to conduct the experiments, the results of which are chosen randomly as training and testing data sets. On the one hand, compared with single-output support vector regression (S-SVR) modeling, this method reduces the root mean square error of height prediction by 22%, with faster training speed and higher prediction accuracy. On the other hand, compared with a backpropagation (BP) neural network, the average absolute error in width is reduced by 5.5%, with smaller average absolute error and better generalization performance. Therefore, the established model can provide a reference to select direct laser deposition parameters precisely and can improve the deposition efficiency and quality.

Original languageEnglish
Article number7221
Issue number23
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2021


  • Direct laser metal deposition
  • Melt track
  • Multi-output support vector regression
  • Orthogonal experimental design


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