Precipitation of Carbides and Dissolution of Widmanstätten Structure for Enhanced Hardness in Ti 2 AlNb-Based Alloys

Yaran Zhang, Qi Cai, Yongchang Liu*, Qianying Guo, Huijun Li

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4 Citations (Scopus)


Carbide-reinforced Ti 2 AlNb matrix composites were spark plasma sintered at 1100 °C by incorporating CNTs into single-B2-phase Ti-22Al-25Nb powders. The as-SPSed alloys were solution treated and then aged in different phase regions. By kinetics analysis and energy-dispersive spectroscopy, it is found carbon will stabilize α 2 phase during solution treatment, and the formation of carbide results in the Nb-depleted regions, which further induces the formation of curly B2 + O Widmanstätten structure during quenching. Different from the general Widmanstätten structure in the aged Ti 2 AlNb alloy, the remained α 2 will consume the B2 within the Widmanstätten structure, when the carbon-added alloy is aged in B2 + O phase region. Compared to the alloy without CNTs, the Vickers hardness of the aged carbon-added Ti 2 AlNb alloy is increased significantly, which is related to the uniform and abundant columnar carbides within the O-phase matrix.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1892-1901
Number of pages10
JournalJournal of Materials Engineering and Performance
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 15 Mar 2019
Externally publishedYes


  • Ti AlNb-based alloy
  • Widmanstätten structure
  • carbon alloying
  • hardness
  • kinetics


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Zhang, Y., Cai, Q., Liu, Y., Guo, Q., & Li, H. (2019). Precipitation of Carbides and Dissolution of Widmanstätten Structure for Enhanced Hardness in Ti 2 AlNb-Based Alloys Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 28(3), 1892-1901.