Porous frameworks based on carborane-Ln 2(CO 2) 6: Architecture influenced by lanthanide contraction and selective CO 2 capture

Sheng Li Huang, Yue Jian Lin, Wei Bin Yu, Guo Xin Jin*

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25 Citations (Scopus)


A series of microporous lanthanide coordination polymers containing p-dicarboxylate carborane ligand (1-8) have been synthesized from the reactions of 1,12-dihydroxycarbonyl-1,12-dicarba- closo-dodecaborane (p-CDCH 2) with rare earth metals. Based on the well-known effect of lanthanide contraction, three distinct structure types were isolated: Structure type I crystallizes in the triclinic space group P1̄ with formula {[Ln 2(p- CDC) 3S 6]·χS} n (S=solvent molecules, such as H 2O, MeOH, and DMF), Ln=Yb 3+ (1), Y 3+ (2), Tb 3+ (3), Gd 3+ (4), Sm 3+ (6) and structure type II also crystallizes in the triclinic space group P1̄ with formula {[Eu 2(p-CDC) 3(MeOH) 2(H 2O) 4]·[Eu 2(p-CDC) 3(H 2O) 4-(DMF) 2]·2DMF} n (5). Nevertheless, structure type III crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P21/n with formula {[Ln 2(p-CDC) 3(MeOH) 4(DMF) 2]·2 MeOH} n, Ln=Ce 3+ (7) and La 3+ (8). The structures of type I polymers consist of four-connected 2D lamellar networks, but type II and type III polymers are composed of six-connected 3D structures. Gas sorption property of compound 1' was studied, which showed selective CO 2 capture over CH 4 and N 2.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)141-147
Number of pages7
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2012
Externally publishedYes


  • Gas storage
  • Lanthanide contraction
  • Para-carboranes
  • Porous frameworks
  • Selective CO capture


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