Pixels array matching for optical readout microcantilever arraysensing system

Cheng Gong*, Yuejin Zhao, Liquan Dong, Mei Hui, Xiaomei Yu

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An approach based on pixels array matching is proposed for optical readout bimaterial microcantileverfocal plane array (FPA) sensing system, by which the CCD's pixel array can match the low resolutionFPA properly. Compared with the old method, it has the following three advantages: (1) reduces theimpact on the infrared imaging quality due to the bending deformation of the microcantilever pixels; (2)decreases the background noise and lower the infrared imaging system's noise equivalent temperaturedifference; (3) increases the imaging system's frame rate. A microcantilever FPA infrared imaging systemwith a programmable smart camera was developed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach.In addition, the approach can be applied to a similar optical readout micro-array sensing system whoseresolution is lower than the CCD.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)6058-6062
Number of pages5
Issue number23
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2013


  • CCD binning
  • FPA
  • Infrared imaging
  • Microcantilever
  • Pixels array match


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